10 Difference between Hotel And Restaurant

What Is A Hotel?

A hotel is an establishment that provides accommodation, meals and other services for travelers and tourists for a short period of time. Hotels often provide a number of additional guest services such as restaurant, bars, swimming pools, healthcare, retail shops, and business facilities like conference halls, gambling clubs, bistros, banquet halls, boardrooms and space for private parties like birthdays, marriages, kitty parties etc.

Generally, facilities provided by a hotel may vary according to the size and type of the hotel. Most of the modern hotels nowadays provide the basic facilities in a room- a bed, a cupboard, a small table, weather control (air conditioner or heater), and a bathroom along with other features like a telephone with STD/ISD facilities, a television set with cable channel, broadband internet connectivity.

What You Need To Know About Hotel

  • A hotel is an establishment that provides accommodation for a short period of time.
  • Some hotels provide meals as a part of the accommodation.
  • Hotels are classified on star rating based the facilities and services offered.
  • Hotels can’t operate by itself, it needs a restaurant to be minimally complete with more services such as conference rooms, room service, laundry and many more services depending on the hotel classification.
  • Hotel is bigger than a restaurant as it offers accommodation facilities.
  • Hotels can provide facilities such as en-suite bathrooms,  bistros, gambling clubs, swimming pools, lounge, conference rooms, bar, restaurant, room service, childcare.
  • Hotels with restaurant services generally offer all major meals or serve full-course meals (multiple dishes).
  • A hotel has a large pool of employees when compared to a stand-alone restaurant.
  • A hotel owner is referred to as hotelier.

What Is Restaurant?

A restaurant also referred to as an eatery is a business that prepares and serves food and beverages to customers. Meals are generally served and eaten on the premises, but many restaurants also offer take-away and food delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings, including a wide variety of cuisines and service models ranging from inexpensive fast food restaurants and cafeterias, to mid-priced family restaurants, to high-priced luxury establishments.

Some serve all the major meals, such as breakfast, lunch and dinner e.g major fast food chains, diners, hotel restaurants and airport restaurants. Other restaurants may serve only a single meal for example a pancake house may only serve breakfast or they may serve two meals e.g lunch and dinner.

What You Need To Know About Restaurant

  • A restaurant is an establishment that prepares and serves food and drink to customers.
  • Meals are generally served and eaten on premise, but many restaurants also offer take-away and food delivery service.
  • Restaurants are generally classified based on cuisine or culinary style of the food and prices.
  • A restaurant is smaller enough in size when compared to a hotel as it does not offer accommodation facilities.
  • A restaurant is either a stand alone business offering food or beverages or is part of a larger business such as hotels, malls etc.
  • Restaurants can provide facilities like washrooms, parking, lounge and a play area for kids.
  • Some restaurant offers all major meals whereas others may only serve a single meal or two meals.
  • A restaurant generally has less number of employees when compared to a hotel.
  • A restaurant owner is referred to as a restaurateur.

Difference between Hotel And Restaurant In Tabular Form

DescriptionA hotel is an establishment that provides accommodation for a short period of time.  A restaurant is an establishment that prepares and serves food and drink to customers.  
Other Services OfferedSome hotels provide meals as a part of the accommodation.  Meals are generally served and eaten on premise, but many restaurants also offer take-away and food delivery service.  
ClassificationHotels are classified on star rating based the facilities and services offered.  Restaurants are generally classified based on cuisine or culinary style of the food and prices.  
SizeHotel is bigger than a restaurant as it offer accommodation facilities.  A restaurant is smaller enough in size when compared to a hotel as it does not offer accommodation facilities.  
IndependenceHotels can’t operate by itself, it needs a restaurant to be minimally complete with more services such as conference rooms, room service, laundry and many more services depending on the hotel classification.  A restaurant is either a stand-alone business offering food or beverages or is part of a larger business such as hotels, malls etc.  
Common ServicesHotels can provide facilities such as en-suite bathrooms,  bistros, gambling clubs, swimming pools, lounge, conference rooms, bar, restaurant, room service, childcare.  Restaurants can provide facilities like washrooms, parking, lounge and a play area for kids.  
Nature Of MealsHotels with restaurant services generally offer all major meals or serve full-course meals (multiple dishes).  Some restaurant offers all major meals whereas others may only serve a single meal or two meals.  
EmployeesA hotel has a large pool of employees when compared to a stand-alone restaurant.  A restaurant generally has less number of employees when compared to a hotel.  
OwnerA hotel owner is referred to as hotelier.  A restaurant owner is referred to as a restaurateur.  
