8 Difference Between Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia with Table

What is the difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?

Regulation of blood sugar level in the body is important. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes need to exercise extra precaution by maintaining a healthy diet, physical exercise, and insulin therapy.

The main difference between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia is that the former is caused by low glucose in the bloodstream while the latter by excess glucose in the bloodstream.

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Difference Between Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia

Comparison Table (Hypoglycemia vs Hyperglycemia)

Basic TermsHypoglycemiaHyperglycemia
MeaningIt is a condition where there is low glucose in the bloodstream.It is a condition where there is excess glucose in the bloodstream.
CauseExcess insulin

Low intake of food

Excess exercise

Too much intake of food


Absence of insulin

Side effects of drugs

Signs and SymptomsPale skin

High pulses



Confuse state of mind

Fast heartbeat

More urination than usual

Increased thirst

Hot and dry skin

Abdominal pain


Weight loss

Post EffectsIt damages the kidneys, eyes, fits and causes confusionCan lead to a coma, urinary excretion, nerve damage, infertility, and blurred vision
OutsetSudden outcomeDevelop slowly over a long period
DiagnosisA blood test to check the glucose levelA blood test to check the level of glucose in the blood
TreatmentUsing simple carbohydrates or 15-20 grams of glucoseMonitor glucose level and follow the diabetic meal plan
ComplicationsDiabetic ketoacidosisHyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome.

What Is Hypoglycemia?

It is a condition where there is low glucose in the bloodstream. It occurs when the blood sugar level drops to 70mg/dl.

Some of the common causes of hypoglycemia are excess insulin, insufficient carbohydrates in the diet, delayed meals, increased physical activity, and excess consumption of alcohol.

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia are confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, shaky, and Polyphagia. The condition is treatable after diagnosis where the patient takes glucose tablets.

What Is Hyperglycemia?

It is a condition where there is excess glucose in the bloodstream. The condition usually affects individuals with type 1 and 2 diabetes.

Hyperglycemia is grouped into fasting and Postprandial. Fasting hyperglycemia occurs when the sugar level is more than 130mg/dl after fasting for at least more than 8 hours.

Postprandial hyperglycemia occurs when the blood glucose level is higher than 180mg/dl after checking 2 hours after a meal.

Common causes are too many carbohydrates, stress, infection, physical activities, intense exercises, and non-compliant with insulin injection.

Signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia are trouble with concentration, blurred vision, weight loss, headaches, Polyuria, and Polydipsia.

Common treatments are drinking plenty of water, stay active, switch diabetic medication and seek advice from a professional physician.

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Main Difference between Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia

  • Hypoglycemia is an abnormally low glucose level while hyperglycemia is an excess glucose level in the bloodstream.
  • Hypoglycemia arises suddenly while hyperglycemia develops slowly within some time and days.
  • Hypoglycemia occurs due to intake of insulin, fasting, and heavy exercise while hyperglycemia occurs due to stress, overeating, and absence of insulin.
  • Complications of hypoglycemia are Diabetic Ketoacidosis while hyperglycemia is Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketotic Syndrome.
  • Hypoglycemia is treated through the infusion of dextrose water while hyperglycemia is treated through insulin administration.
  • In Conclusion

    Proper regulation and maintenance of blood sugar levels in the body are important. Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia are two conditions that occur in the body due to sugar fluctuation.

    Individuals are required to follow a proper diet, care, and medication to avoid experiencing any of these two blood sugar level conditions.

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