Beer vs Lager - Difference and Comparison

Comparison chart

Beer versus Lager comparison chart
Edit this comparison chartBeerLager
Type of yeastTop fermenting ale yeast.Bottom fermenting lager yeast.
Fermentation TemperatureWarmer: 15-24 Celsius (ale) (60-75 Fahrenheit)Colder (less than 10 Celsius)
AgingAles generally requires much less time to age after primary fermentation is complete versus lager beer. Perhaps only several days. Depends on alcohol strength, style, etc.Lagers generally requires a bit more time to age after primary fermentation is complete. Perhaps 3-4 weeks. Depends on alcohol strength, style, etc.
ColorAles range from very light to very dark depending on style.Lagers range from very light to very dark depending on style.
Alcohol by volume (ABV)Ales range from very low (3% ABV) to very high (up to 21% ABV) depending on style.Similar to ales, lagers range from very low ABV to very high ABV depending on style.

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"Beer vs Lager." Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 24 Jun 2022. < >
