Carbonite vs. Carbonate: What’s the Difference?

  • Carbonate

    In chemistry, a carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid (H2CO3), characterized by the presence of the carbonate ion, a polyatomic ion with the formula of CO2−3. The name may also refer to a carbonate ester, an organic compound containing the carbonate group C(=O)(O–)2.

    The term is also used as a verb, to describe carbonation: the process of raising the concentrations of carbonate and bicarbonate ions in water to produce carbonated water and other carbonated beverages – either by the addition of carbon dioxide gas under pressure, or by dissolving carbonate or bicarbonate salts into the water.

    In geology and mineralogy, the term “carbonate” can refer both to carbonate minerals and carbonate rock (which is made of chiefly carbonate minerals), and both are dominated by the carbonate ion, CO2−3. Carbonate minerals are extremely varied and ubiquitous in chemically precipitated sedimentary rock. The most common are calcite or calcium carbonate, CaCO3, the chief constituent of limestone (as well as the main component of mollusc shells and coral skeletons); dolomite, a calcium-magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2; and siderite, or iron(II) carbonate, FeCO3, an important iron ore. Sodium carbonate (“soda” or “natron”) and potassium carbonate (“potash”) have been used since antiquity for cleaning and preservation, as well as for the manufacture of glass. Carbonates are widely used in industry, e.g. in iron smelting, as a raw material for Portland cement and lime manufacture, in the composition of ceramic glazes, and more.

  • Carbonite (noun)

    An explosive manufactured from a variety of materials, including nitroglycerine, wood meal and nitrates.

  • Carbonite (noun)

    An explosive composed of nitrobenzene, saltpetre, sulfur{{,}} and kieselguhr.

  • Carbonite (noun)

    A naturally occurring carbonaceous material formed from coal, natural coke.

  • Carbonate (noun)

    Any salt or ester of carbonic acid.

  • Carbonate (verb)

    To charge (often a beverage) with carbon dioxide.

  • Carbonite (noun)

    Geology. A natural coke-like material, typically formed by the action of igneous intrusions on bituminous coal deposits. Now rare.

  • Carbonite (noun)

    Chemistry. A salt or ester of an oxyacid in which carbon is divalent or supposedly so; specifically a salt of an anion CO₂ 2−. Also (in non-technical use): a basic carbonate (of lead, copper, etc.).

  • Carbonite (noun)

    Science Fiction. (The name of) a carbon-based material in which a person can be cryogenically preserved.

  • Carbonate (noun)

    a salt of the anion CO₃²⁻, typically by reaction with carbon dioxide.

  • Carbonate (verb)

    dissolve carbon dioxide in (a liquid).

  • Carbonate (verb)

    convert into a carbonate.

Oxford Dictionary
