Difference Between A Lot and Lots Of

a lot vs lots of

A lot and lots of are two expressions used in English language that should be understood in their correct senses as despite what people might think there is a difference between a lot and lots of. One should first of all understand that a lot and lots of are both different ways the noun lot is used in the English language. Both of these expressions, a lot and lots of, carry the meaning “a large number or amount; a great deal.” Also, the noun lot is used in the expression a lot and lots of as a pronoun as well as an adverb.

What does A Lot mean?

Generally, a lot is used to modify the comparative. In other words, it emphasizes the comparative. Look at the sentence given below:

He is looking a lot better now.

In this sentence, you can see that the expression a lot is used to modify the comparative, ‘better’. There is a sense of emphasis understood by the reader of this sentence. You will find that the expression ‘a lot’ is used more in the affirmative as in the sentence given below.

Johnson has given a lot of money as charity.

In this sentence, you can see that the expression a lot is used in the affirmative. It does not carry a negative sense. This is indeed an important usage of the expression a lot.

It is interesting to see that the expression a lot is also followed by the preposition ‘of’ in many cases as in the sentence given below.

David owes a lot of money to Richard.

In this sentence, you will find that the expression a lot is followed by the preposition ‘of’.

What does Lots Of mean?

On the other hand, the expression lots of is also used in the affirmative as in the sentence given below.

Ms. Janet gives lots of gifts to children.

Here again, you can see that an affirmative idea is conveyed by the usage of the expression lots of.

When used with a plural word, the expression lots of takes a plural verb with it as in the sentence given below.

Lots of flies are seen in this place.

Here you can find that the expression lots of is used with a plural word ‘flies’ and hence takes a plural verb in ‘are’. This is an important rule to learn in the case of the application of the expression lots of.

Difference Between A Lot and Lots Of

What is the difference between A Lot and Lots Of?

• Generally, a lot is used to modify the comparative. In other words, it emphasizes the comparative.

• The expression ‘a lot’ is used more in the affirmative.

• On the other hand, the expression lots of is also used in the affirmative.

• Lots is followed by the preposition of in the expression lots of. It is interesting to see that the expression a lot is also followed by the preposition ‘of’ in many cases.

• When used with a plural word, the expression lots of takes a plural verb with it.

Images Courtesy:

  • Lots of bottled water by Brett Weinstein (CC BY-SA 2.5)
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