Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Senility

Alzheimer’s vs Senility

Senility and Alzheimer’s are medical conditions that are encountered in old age. With old age, loss of mental functions is a normal thing. It is unfortunate though as it hampers with an individual’s daily activities as he loses controls over his cognitive functions. While Alzheimer’s is definitely a disease, senility refers to physical and mental deterioration with old age. Senility is cognitive impairment which is common with old age. On the other hand, Alzheimer’s is a brain disease which causes brain cells to die in a gradual and progressive manner. However, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s are similar to those commonly associated with senility which is why people are often confused between the two.


It is a progressive brain disease that has increased in alarming proportions in the last few decades and every year millions of people contract this disease in America alone. The disease gradually erases a person’s memory and his thinking abilities are seriously hampered. This results in difficulties in performing even day to day activities. Seniors who contract Alzheimer’s die earlier than they normally would. The onset of this disease is most common when a person enters the age of 60. Scientists are unable to pinpoint the real cause of AD, but are of the view that the build up of proteins in the brain hampers with the normal functioning of nerve cells as cells cannot communicate with each other properly being blocked by plaques and tangles of this build up of protein. Cells chances of survival are lessened and they begin to die.

Sad part of this disease is that it cannot be prevented. However, people can lower the chances of contracting this disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating green, leafy vegetables. Active physical and mental engagement in activities at old age also helps in preventing the onset of this disease. Avoiding depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and controlling anger while allowing for brain exercises with mental activities such as simple math help people to prevent this disease.


Senility is not a disease per se though the symptoms are very much similar to Alzheimer’s and dementia. With old age, it is common for people to feel loss of memory, decreasing mental ability and reasoning power, and slowing down of many other mental faculties. These conditions can be triggered by many medical conditions such as alcoholism, depression, addiction, smoking, imbalances of hormones, thyroid and even malnutrition. Senile persons do not have the same ability to think and remembers that they had when they were younger. The condition gets worse with passage of time. If the symptoms are diagnosed early, managing the lives and making things easier for such persons is possible through medication and proper, scheduled plan of living.


In brief:

•Senility and Alzheimer’s are medical conditions that are encountered in old age

•While Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disease, senility is just physical and mental deterioration due to old age

•While there in cure for Alzheimer’s, senility caused by other reasons can be cured.
