Difference Between ‘At’ and ‘To’

English can be a confusing language and sometimes while we try to construct sentences, we are often left wondering what phrase or what word to use when and how. Non-native speakers especially find themselves in this dilemma often. 

One of the most common confusions we face while speaking in English is when to use ‘at’ and when to use ‘to’. It can be quite tricky to figure out when it is appropriate to use either of them and how. 

So, what is the difference between ‘at’ and ‘to’? In a nutshell, ‘at’ is used when we want to indicate something at a location or someone is arriving at a location. When we use ‘to’ we are saying something is moving in a particular direction. This distinction is based on a location and there are more areas where these two differ.  

Read on to find out more about the difference between ‘at’ and ‘to’ and how to use them correctly. 

What is ‘at’

‘At’ is a preposition that is commonly used to indicate a particular place or event. For example:

  • ‘We will meet Mike at Sara’s wedding’
  • ‘Let’s meet at the coffee shop’

‘At’ is also used to express a particular time. The following example makes the usage of ‘at’ to indicate time clearly:

  • ‘John asked me to meet her at 9 pm’
  • ‘At’ is used to indicate direction. When an action takes place in a particular direction, we use ‘at’. For example:
  • ‘She waved at me before she left the room’

At is used to show one’s action as a result of another cause or to indicate our ability at some activity. To make this definition easier, let’s look at an example:

  • ‘We were surprised at Mohit’s performance in the college fest’
  • ‘I was always bad at sports but good at painting’

What is ‘to’

‘To’ is often used in sentences that express duty or an activity that is to be done. It is also used when we want to express direction or location. For example:

  • ‘I am going there to buy some chocolate’
  • ‘I am going to Colombia next week’

‘To’ is used to express the range of some quantities or the particular time or level to be reached. For example:

  • ‘The event will take place from 6 pm to 10 pm’
  • ‘There are about 50 to 80 people taking today’s test’
  • ‘We have one week to Roshan’s birthday’

The word ‘to’ also indicates something that belongs to something else or a sense of connection

  • ‘This is the key to the house’
  • ‘She is a sister to me’

Differences between ‘at’ and ‘to’

Using ‘at’ and ‘to’ can be quite confusing and it is important to understand the differences between the to while used in different contexts. Below are the differences between both ‘at’ and ‘to’ 


When we talk about ‘at’ in the sense of direction, it is commonly used to indicate an action taking place at someone or something.

  • ‘She smiled at me’

‘To’ is often used to indicate when someone or something is going/send to someone or something.

  • ‘She is going to the mall’
  • ‘He sends the papers to Shannon’


‘At’ is used to express the exact time or point.

  • ‘She will meet us at 5 pm‘

‘To’ is used to indicate the time range.

  • ‘The function will take place from 5 pm to 10 pm’


‘At’ is used to pinpoint the exact place.

  • ‘The part will take place at the Grand Hotel’

‘To’ is used when we want to express someone going towards a particular place

  • ‘I am going to Delhi’


‘At’ is used when we want to express our or someone else’s ability at an activity.

  • ‘She is so good at dancing’

‘To’ is used when we are about to do a particular activity or chore.

  • ‘I am going to sweep the floor’ 


We use ‘at’ when we want to express a reaction in connection to or as a result of another event.

  • ‘I was surprised at her honesty’

‘To’ is often used to express human connection or connections between inanimate objects or even connections of an inanimate object to a human.

  • ‘She is like a daughter to me’
  • ‘This is key to the car’
  • ‘This book is very precious to me’

Comparison Chart: 'At' Vs 'To'

Words At To 
Direction ‘At’ is used to define when someone does an activity aimed at someone else’s direction.‘To’ is used to define when a person or an object is going/send to someplace.
Time ‘At’ is used to pinpoint an exact time.‘To’ is used to indicate the time range
Location ‘At’ is used when something or someone is at an exact location‘To’ is used when someone is going towards a particular location.

Frequently Asked Questions

🧐 What Is The Difference Between ‘to me’ and ‘at me’?

When you use the phrase, ‘to me’, we usually use it to indicate when you want something or someone passed in your direction. 

‘Pass the flowers to me’

‘At me’ is used when you want to express something was thrown in your direction or when someone’s actions were directed at you.

‘She threw the ball at me’
‘He waved at me as soon as he entered the room’

🙋‍♀️ Do I say ‘at the place’ or ‘to the place’?

When you say ‘at the place’, you are meaning to talk about the particular place or the location.

‘Rose is waiting for us at the cafe’

When you say ‘to the place’, you are talking about going towards or sending someone to the place. 

‘I am going to the new grocery store’
‘I sent Susan to the new restaurant get us food’


A little practice and a lot of exposure to the English language will help one to speak fluent English in no time. Of course, dilemmas like, what is the difference between ‘at’ and ‘to’ can still exist but that can be solved if one pays proper attention and strives to learn the English language carefully.

So, the next time you are confused about whether to use ‘at’ or ‘to’, remember that this dilemma is quite common and can be solved with a little extra help.

