Difference between Bacterial Cell and Plant cell (Bacterial cell vs Plant cell)

The bacteria  are the smallest and most primitive unicellular organisms. The structure of bacterial cell is very simple. The cell shows prokaryotic organization. The protoplasm  of the cell is surrounded by a cell wall. Cell wall is made up of mainly polysaccharide (glucans, mannans, galactans) chitin, muramic acid and an amino acid diaminopimelic acid.   Difference between Bacterial Cell and Plant cell (Bacterial cell vs Plant cell) The plant cells are more complex and advanced. Plant cells are surrounded by a definite rigid, protective envelope called the cell wall. The  wall is made up of chiefly cellulose, and often with some other materials (suberin, lignin, pectin etc.) in minor amounts. Bacterial cell vs Plant cell

Bacterial cell vs Plant cell

Bacterial cell

Plant cell

Cell is Prokaryotic.

Cell is Eukaryotic.

Cell wall is made up of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids.

Eubacteria: peptidoglycan

Archaebacteria: polysaccharides or glycoproteins

Cell wall made of cellulose.

Plastids, mitochondria and other cell organelles are absent. Chloroplast absent. Thaylakoid membrane present in cyanobacteria

Mitochondria and plastids presents. Chloroplast present. Golgi bodies present.

Nucleus not organized, without nuclear membrane, DNA free in cytoplasm called as nucleoid region

Nucleus present, well organised, with membrane, chromosome occur within nucleus.

Membrane bound organelles are absent

Presence of membrane bound organelles like ER, Golgi, Chloroplast, mitochondrion etc

DNA is circular without histones


DNA is linear with histones


Plasmid; extrachromosomal circular DNA is present

Plasmids are absent

Ribosome is 70S

Ribosome is 80S

Generally lacks flagella


Long  flagella made up of flagellin, for movement
