Difference Between Black Chia Seeds and White Chia Seeds

Main Difference

The main difference between Black Chia Seeds and White Chia Seeds is that Black Chia Seeds are small brown-colored, whereas White Chia Seeds are large marble colored seeds.

Black Chia Seeds vs. White Chia Seeds

Black chia seeds are the mature seed, while the immature seeds of Salvia Hispanica plant is called white chia seeds. The color of black chia seeds is not black; on the contrary, white chia seed’s tan is not white. Black chia seeds are gray to brown, whereas white chia seeds are marble colored. Black chia seeds are small; on the other side, white chia seeds are large. Black chia seeds are present in a high percentage; on the other hand, the occurrence of white chia seeds is less throughout the world.

The purple-colored flower of the plant produces black chia seeds. White chia seeds are the product of a white-colored flower plant. Because of the dark complexion of black chia seeds, they are used in fruit smoothies; on the contrary, white chia seeds are not for fruit smoothies. Black chia seeds find their use as seed and oils. White chia seeds possess a preference for aesthetic flavoring. The nutrition of black chia seeds and white chia seeds vary in protein and fat content.

Comparison Chart

Black Chia SeedsWhite Chia Seeds
Gray to dark brown colored mature seeds of Salvia Hispanica plant are black chia seedsLight-colored immature seeds of Salvia Hispanica plant are white chia seeds
Present in a high percentagePresent in the low percentage
Dark brownThe complexion of light marble colors
Protein Content
Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Preference For
Seed or oilAesthetically pleasing flour or meal
Fruit Smoothie
Black seedsWhite seeds
Purple flowered plantWhite-flowered plant

What are Black Chia Seeds?

Plant Salvia Hispanica produces black chia seeds. The plant has a close relation to mint—the seeds which are mature named black chia seeds. The plant which produces black chia seeds has purple flowers. The color of the seeds is gray to brown. Black chia seeds are present in high percentages and are preferred more for seed or oil use.

One ounce of serving of black chia seeds contains 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and 9 grams of healthy fat. Out of 9 grams of fat, 5 grams are omega-3 fatty acids. Besides, it is rich in micronutrients like calcium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. A small amount of niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, zinc, and potassium is present. One serving of chia seeds supplies 137 calories of energy and 1 gram of digestible carbohydrates.

Black chia seeds are rich in fiber. The fiber type is soluble, which absorbs a large amount of water, helps in expanding the stomach and feeling of fulness. Fiber controls blood glucose and cholesterol level. Black chia seeds are rich in essential amino acids. 14% of daily protein intake can be fulfilled from its one serving. The people who avoid animal protein should consume chia seeds.

Anthocyanin is a dark-colored pigment present in black chia seeds. Anthocyanin offers anti-oxidant properties fights for the body and eradicate free radical damage. In research on the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, in 2007, the health benefits of anthocyanin were published. The pigment fights against aging, neurological disorder, cancer, diabetes, inflammation, and bacterial infections.

What are White Chia Seeds?

White chia seeds are a product of Salvia Hispanica plant. The plant which produces white chia seeds produces white-colored flowers. The immature chia seeds have another name as white chia seeds. The color of white chia seed is not white; instead, it is a combination of marble colors. Its occurrence is less worldwide. White chia seeds are used for flavoring meals and flour just to create a delightful look.

For fruit smoothie, it is not preferred. It is human psychology that people prefer the contrast of light and dark color. Fruits and white chia seeds are both light-colored; thus, its use is less. The nutrition facts of white chia seeds are the same as black chia seeds except for a slight difference in protein and omega-3 fatty acid content. Both seeds offer the same health benefits.

White chia seeds are rich in protein and fiber, hence assist in weight loss. Both fiber and protein offer satiety and reduce further food intake. White chia seeds supply a handsome amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Chia seeds are sodium-free, thus regulate blood pressure. These fatty acids reduce anxiety and depression.

Chia seeds provide plenty of bone nutrients. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for bone development and strength. Chia seeds work to better insulin sensitivity, reduces symptoms of type-2 diabetes. Chia seeds are easy to add in diet, whether to drink raw or soaked in water. A delightful recipe is the addition of chia seeds in yogurt.

Key Differences

  • Black chia seeds are large mature seeds of Salvia Hispanica plant, while white chia seeds are small immature seeds of Salvia Hispanica plant.
  • Black chia seeds are mature seeds, whereas white chia seeds are immature seeds.
  • Black chia seeds are large on the flip side; white chia seeds are small as compared to black ones.
  • Black chia seeds occur in abundant amounts; conversely, white chia seeds are present in a low amount.
  • Black chia seeds are gray to brown on the other hand, white chia seeds are a mixture of light marble colors.
  • Black chia seeds are rich in protein, whereas the protein content of white chia seeds is slightly less as compared to black chia seeds.
  • Black chia seeds provide less amount of alpha-linolenic acid in it; on the other hand, white chia seeds contain a more significant amount of alpha-linolenic acid.
  • Black chia seeds find its use as seed or oil while we add white chia seeds to enhance the taste and flavor of meals.
  • Black chia seeds find its use in fruit smoothies; on the other hand, white chia seed’s use is not for fruit smoothies.
  • Black chia seeds are produced from purple-flowered plants, whereas white chia seeds are the product of the white-flowered plant.
  • Conclusion

    Black Chia Seeds and White Chia Seeds are both types of chia seeds. Black Chia Seeds are small gray to brown colored used as seeds and oil. White Chia Seeds are large marble colored seed used for flavoring meals.
