Difference Between Blow Dryer and Hair Dryer

Main Difference

Technology has advanced leaps and bounds, and new innovations in all fields of life are being introduced, Women and their fashion are an integral part of society, and many different types of equipment is being used for fashion and other purposes. Two types of accessories which are frequently used are blow dryer and hair dryer. Both these terms sometimes give the impression of being same but at the same time can be taken as if they are different from each other. The essential difference between them is that blow dryer is a term which is used in the United States English while hair dryer is a term more commonly implemented in British English. In more technical terms, a blow dryer can be used to dry anything while a hair dryer is particular for hair. Another difference between them can be that blow dryer does not have to be electric, it can be anything which helps to dry while hair dryer is strictly electric while using steam or air. For an average person who does not know these technicalities both the words are different names for the same thing which actually is true. It is just the difference in language and the places where these words are spoken which give the impression of them being two different devices. These are made with the help of plastics which are heated quickly, this is the reason why hair dryers are able to work as soon as they are turned on because of the heat which is being generated, instantly increases the temperature of the whole object. The motor helps in the system and its running while two coils are present at either end of the fan which assist in keeping the temperature of the object in control. Many blow dryers come with the function of standard air, where people can press the button and get the air which is not heated up, this helps in drying the hair properly and not letting them sit on the head. There are different additional accessories along with the dryer such as diffusers, combs, and other stuff which increase the importance of this device. Further details about these devices and their name origins are given in the following paragraphs.

Comparison Chart

Blow DryerHair Dryer
The blow dryer is something which is used to dry any part of the bodyHair dryer is the object which strictly works to dry hair.
Blow dryer gives more pressurized air as compared to hair dryerThe temperature of the hair dryer is also less than the blow dryer.
Alternative Definition
Anything which may nor may not be electric can be called a blow dryerOnly an electronic device which creates hot air with the increase of temperature is called hair dryer

Definition of Blow Dryer

The blow dryer is actually a synonym for the word hair dryer and just is used differently because of being a part of American English. Most people who live in the United States and Canada along with the ones who are influenced by the culture and language use this term, which is, therefore, becoming more common in the world especially Asia. They are devices which give a mixture of hot and cold air, at different intervals to help people in drying their hair. People do have a different variation of the word blow dryers such as an object which is used to dry any part of the body instead of just hair and also as something which can work without the availability of electricity, but that is not true, it is just the second name of a hair dryer.

Definition of Hair Dryer

Hair dryer is devices which are used to help people in drying, setting and giving an improved look to their hair. This term is same as blow dryer and functions with the support of a motor while runs on electricity. It is an electromagnetic device which uses a motor and different coils wrapped around to keep the temperature in check, people can set their own temperature at the hair dryer will heat as quickly. Different variations and additions have been made to its design. They were introduced in the late 19th century at a famous salon in France. Initially, the hair dryers were larger in size, so big that they could easily fit over someone’s head. But over time, the size of hair dryers began to reduce and now they are available in a range of sizes and shapes and people can choose the type they want according to their requirements.

Differences in a Nutshell

  • According to some definitions, the blow dryer is something which is used to dry any part of the body while hair dryer is the object which strictly works to dry hair.
  • Some people also believe that blow dryer gives more pressurized air as compared to hair dryer while the temperature of the hair dryer is also less than the blow dryer.
  • It is also said that anything which may nor may not be electric can be called a blow dryer while only an electronic device which creates hot air with the increase of temperature is called hair dryer.
  • In reality, both the objects are the different names of the same product.
  • The blow dryer is a term used in American English while Hair dryer is a term used in British English.
  • Conclusion

    Hair dryers are of different types and therefore it is utmost aim of a person to get to know what they are using and what are their benefits, but sometimes the two names for the same thing confuse people. This article has therefore given a clearer understanding to people about the same thing with two different names with the aim of helping.
