Difference Between Blunt and Joint

Blunt vs Joint

In the early years of the twenty first century it was common to find men as well as women ‘smoking’ cigars or cigarettes. Smoking was not only part of a trend at that time, but also promoted due to the feelings of euphoria and relief that it gave. The stars in movies and daily soaps would also smoke a lot on air and this further made the trend popular. In recent years, however, the average number of cigarettes smoked throughout the world has decreased drastically due to an increasing awareness of the harm it causes. This has still not brought an end to smoking with people resorting to newer, less harmful ways of smoking. Some common ways in which people smoke today is by the use of joints, blunts etc. The two mentioned techniques have become very common, especially amongst teenagers of the middle and upper middle class of developing countries. They are very harmful in various ways. In this article, we will establish the difference between the two.

In the simplest of words, a joint is a marijuana cigarette that has been rolled into its typical way. The medium that is used to roll it is usually paper in most countries. This is the case in most of the industrialized countries to be precise whereas in developing countries, other ways are used to wrap a joint. These include brown paper, ‘beedis’ from which the tobacco has been removed, cigarettes from which the tobacco has been removed, newspaper, receipts etc. A joint is available in various sizes and normally contains about a quarter to one gram net weight of cannabis. In some rare cases, people have also prepared joints with as much as two pounds of cannabis! The use of tobacco varies in the rolling process; some people do it more often than others.

In contrast to this, a blunt, which is also a cigar, is wider than a typical cigarillo but not quite as wide as a typical Corona. The usual way in which a blunt is made is to divide it into two main parts. One is the inner leaf which is more or less similar to a cigarette rolling paper although it is made of tobacco. On the outside is the outer leaf which is wrapped around the inner leaf in a spiral. If we assess commercially available blunts, then common practice is to use paper made from tobacco pulp rather than using tobacco leaves.

The most obvious difference between the two is the way they are made or wrapped. The rolling papers used to make joints are quite thin and about three inches long. They can hold almost as much as a typical cigarette smoke. On the other hand, blunts are made from thicker tobacco leaf or paper as mentioned above. This forms a cigar and can hold about three to four times as much weight as a joint.

There is also a difference in the taste of a joint and a blunt but that is only because of the wrapping medium used. Moreover, usually people put more weed into a blunt and that is the reason why we can also differentiate the two by saying that blunts have greater effects than joints in getting one high!

1. A joint is a marijuana cigarette that has been rolled into either a paper, ‘beedi’ or a cigarette from which the tobacco has been removed, newspaper, receipt etc.; a blunt is also a cigar, it is wider than a typical cigarillo but not quite as wide as a typical Corona, it is divided into two main parts, the inner leaf which is more or less similar to a cigarette rolling paper although it is made of tobacco and outer leaf which is wrapped around the inner leaf in a spiral
2. The rolling papers used to make joints are quite thin and about three inches long. They can hold almost as much as a typical cigarette smoke; blunts are made from thicker tobacco leaf or paper to form a cigar and can hold about three to four times as much weight as a joint
3. Different tastes due to different wrapping techniques
4. Blunts usually have greater weed in them
5. Blunts have greater effects on the user; get them more high than joints
