Difference Between Commitment and Dedication

Commitment vs Dedication

Since we hear dedication and commitment very often, and at times, they are used interchangeably too, knowing the difference between commitment and dedication will allow one to use them in the correct context. Dedication and commitment are very important concepts that can be used to find a higher state of consciousness. Commitment is about emotional attachment towards something and dedication is about an interpersonal commitment towards something. Therefore, both these terms are linked with the level of interest of the individuals towards achieving a particular task or an activity. Let us examine the two concepts in more detail and analyse the difference between commitment and dedication.

What does Commitment mean?

Commitment can be expressed as a kind of an emotional attachment towards something. In organizations, the best performers are the employees with high commitment towards completing their tasks according to the given guidelines. Usually, organizations are willing to recruit employees with higher commitments as they are more efficient and productive than other normal workers.

Commitment is required to build up a strong personality and to inspire others. For example, when watching cricket matches the way the cricketers play on the field indicates their true commitment towards winning the matches and its truly inspiring all the spectators.

Commitment can be categorized into several forms as follows.

• Personal commitment refers to the commitment towards achieving personal goals and objectives in life.

• Brand commitment refers to the strength of the relationship between consumers and with a particular brand or service.

• Organizational commitment is the employee’s commitment towards achieving the vision of the organization.

• Ontological commitment is a kind of a belief in ontology, in philosophy.

What does Dedication mean?

Dedication is defined as the state of being committed to doing a particular task effectively and efficiently. It is an important personality characteristic of an individual. Dedication is highly required to achieve personal goals in life. For example, in order to get good results in an examination a student must do their studies with dedication from the beginning.

In organizational context, dedicated employees work towards achieving the organizational goals. Dedication can be identified as a certain type of an interpersonal commitment on performing a particular activity and it generates a level of interest towards performing that particular activity.

Difference Between Commitment and Dedication

What is the difference between Commitment and Dedication?

• Commitment can be expressed as a kind of an emotional attachment towards something while dedication can be identified as a certain type of an interpersonal commitment on performing a particular activity.

• Commitment measures an individual’s passion towards achieving a particular goal and dedication is a quality that can only be gained through both commitment and perseverance.

• Commitment is required to build up a strong personality and to inspire others and dedication arrives through commitment.

Further Reading: 

  • Difference Between Loyalty and Commitment
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