Difference Between Cotton and Linen

Cotton Flower

Cotton Flower

Cotton vs Linen

Cotton and linen are used not only as fabrics but also used as the canvas for painting. Everyone knows what makes cotton differ from linen. Let us look at some of the differences between cotton and linen.

Linen is smoother than cotton. Linen fibers are transparent tubes that come with marked lines and a small central canal. On the other hand, cotton fibers are either twisted or straight tubes that are flattened with large central canals. The cotton fibers are transparent.

Of the two, linen is the stronger. It is considered to be two to three times stronger than cotton. While cotton is flammable, linen takes a long time to ignite. Moreover, linen comes in less weight than cotton.

It can also be seen that linen wrinkles easily compared to cotton. Only a small pressing is needed to smooth the wrinkles away. But a cotton fabric needs hard pressing. Moreover, constant pressing of linen at a particular place, like the bends or folds, makes the fiber break. This can be noticed in the collar and hem areas.

Cotton is fluffy and warm whereas linen is smooth and flowing in nature. Linen gives the feeling of coolness more than that of cotton as the linen fiber absorbs moisture.

Speaking of the canvas used for painting, linen is more preferred. Linen canvas is costlier than cotton canvas. It is also said that linen canvas is more durable than cotton canvas. Linen canvas is also less prone to decay, and that is why it is one of the most preferred canvases. Unlike linen canvas, cotton canvas stretches easily.


1.Linen fibers are transparent tubes that come with marked lines and with a small central canal. On the other hand, cotton fibers are either twisted or straight tubes that are flattened with large central canals.
Of the two, linen is the stronger. It is considered to be two to three times stronger than cotton.
2.Linen is smoother than cotton.
3.While cotton is flammable, linen takes a long time to ignite.
4.Linen comes in less weight than cotton.
5.Linen wrinkles easier than cotton. Only a small pressing is needed to smooth the wrinkles away, but a cotton fabric needs hard pressing.
6.Linen canvas is more durable than cotton canvas.
7.The linen canvas is also less prone to decay.
