Difference Between Countryside and City

The key difference between countryside and city is that the countryside refers to the geographical area that is located outside of towns and cities whereas the city refers to a large human settlement which is bigger than a town or village. Furthermore, the life in a countryside is peaceful and calm whereas a city life is fast-paced and busy.

If you want to decide whether to live in a city or in the countryside, you need to know what areas have their own advantages and disadvantages. Selecting one requires considerable thought as your choice can affect your whole life. Countryside is a rural area that is located away from towns and cities whereas city is a large town that is the core of a metropolitan area. And, there are many differences between countryside and city.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Countryside
3. What is City
4. Side by Side Comparison – Countryside vs City in Tabular Form
5. Summary

What is Countryside?

Countryside or rural area refers to a geographical area that is located outside of towns and cities. Thus, it typically has small settlements and a lower population. Moreover, the countryside has a picturesque landscape since it has vast farmland, and other natural geographical features like forests, hills, mountains, valleys, and rivers. The main occupation of people who live in the countryside is agriculture.

There are many advantages to living in the countryside. In the countryside, you can find yourself away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There are no traffic jams, noise or mass pollution. Thus, life in the countryside is peaceful, calm and tranquil. The social life in the countryside is very different from that of the city. People in rural areas usually know each other; they are more open and kind and are willing to help each other. The crime rates in the countryside are also low when compared to the city. Although the countryside doesn’t have many shopping complexes offering various products, fresh air, unpolluted water and food are freely available to everyone. Thus, living in the countryside promotes a healthier lifestyle.

Difference Between Countryside and City

Figure 01: Countryside

However, life in the countryside may have some disadvantages as well. In the countryside, you’ll have limited access to modern facilities such as modern medicine and developed transportation. Moreover, there is also limited employment opportunities in the countryside. This is why many people from the countryside move to big cities.

What is City

A city can be defined as a large human settlement or a large town. A city has a large population when compared to rural areas and also have extensive systems to manage transportation, housing, sanitation, land use, and communication. Cities are often associated with development and modernity. They are the main focus of development for any ruling body. A country has several major cities and depending upon the economic situation of the country; these cities depict its culture and way of living.

There are advantages as well as disadvantages of living in a city. The main advantage is the availability of developed facilities and employment opportunities. Moreover, you have the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds, nationality, race, religion, etc. Cities also provide you more options for recreation. For example, you can visit various places such as movie theatres, zoos, amusement parks, libraries, hotels, restaurants, bars, museums, etc.

Key Difference Between Countryside and City

Figure 02: City

However, life in a city is fast-paced. Therefore, cities are often overcrowded with people, buildings and vehicles. Although many facilities and products are available in a city, the cost of living is generally higher as everything is more expensive in a city. These are the disadvantages of living in the city.

What is the Difference Between Countryside and City?

Countryside refers to the geographical area that is located outside of towns and cities whereas the city refers to a large human settlement which is bigger than a town or village. There are many differences between countryside and city. A city has advanced systems to manage transportation, housing, sanitation, communication, etc. whereas the countryside doesn’t have many facilities. Moreover, there is also a lack of employment opportunities in the countryside, unlike in cities, which offer a great many employment opportunities. However, the cost of living in the countryside is lower than the cost of living in cities.

In general, the life in the countryside is peaceful, calm and tranquil while the life in the city is fast-paced. Cities are overcrowded with people, vehicles and buildings whereas the countryside has a picturesque setting with greenery, farmlands, hills and forests. The countryside has fresh air and water since it is less polluted, but there is a lot of pollution in the city. Furthermore, the people in the countryside are more open and willing to help each other whereas the people in the city spend very busy lives, and have no time to think about others.

The below infographic presents a tabulated view of the difference between countryside and city.

Difference Between Countryside and City in Tabular Form

Summary – Countryside vs City

There is a considerable difference between countryside and city. Countryside is a rural area that offers you a calm, quiet and peaceful whereas city is a developed area with a large population and many modern facilities. Making a choice between countryside and city is difficult since both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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1.”1081916″ by Free-Photos (CC0) via pixabay
2.”1804481″ by 12019 (CC0) via pixabay
