Difference Between During and While

Notice that during is followed by a noun, which often represents an activity (during + the film). While is used to refer to a background period of time in which another activity happened. It is very similar to during, but it is followed by a sentence (while + subject + verb...), so they are not interchangeable.

How can I use during in a sentence?

Examples of during in a Sentence

She swims every day during the summer. We got along well during the trip. He worked in the field during most of the day. During the interview, they asked about my previous jobs.

Where do we use while?

We can use while or as to talk about two longer events or activities happening at the same time. We can use either simple or continuous verb forms: We spent long evenings talking in my sitting-room while he played the music he had chosen and explained his ideas.

What is during in grammar?

We use during to talk about something that happens at a certain point within a period of time. ... (It happened at one point within the period of time indicated by the phrase 'my stay in France'.) During can also be used to talk about an action or event that continues throughout a whole period of time.

Is during past or present?

After a verb that focuses on an activity, "during" is used to indicate a period or range of time for the activity. The meaning of the verb expresses a durative action or state. Using present perfect tense with "during" is awkward. We had a great time during our stay there.

How do you use the word while?

During can refer to the whole time of the event:

  • You are not allowed to use your mobile phone during class. ( ...
  • I have to have my window open during the night. ( ...
  • His grandfather fought in the army during the First World War. ...
  • When I was a kid, our cousins often came to stay with us during the summer.
  • When can I use while?

    We use both when and while as subordinating conjunctions to introduce adverbial clauses of time. They mean during the time that and indicate that something is or was happening when something else occurred: The prisoners escaped when / while the prison warders were eating their lunch.

    What is the difference between speaking and spoken?

    Firstly, as part of a longer sentence, where 'speaking' is the verb: 'The students are speaking English at the moment. ... 'Spoken' is an adjective when placed before 'English'. This noun phrase is often used to distinguish different English skills, for example, to distinguish spoken English from written English.

    What we use after while?

    The sentence "the subject + the verb" is put after "while." ... We use "during" which is similar to "while." But "during" is the preposition unlike "while." Thus, the sentence "the subject + the verb" can not be used.

    What do always mean?

    At all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually. God is always the same. ... For all time; forever. They will always be friends.

    What kind of verb is during?

    Explanation: The word "during" is a preposition, because it is never interpreted alone, but its meaning is always linked with a noun next to it.

    What does during mean?

    During means throughout the entire time or at a certain point in time when something was happening. During is a preposition, which is a type of word used before a noun or pronoun to relate it to another part of the sentence, especially to express a relationship based on space or time.
