Difference Between Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education

Educational Sociology vs Sociology of Education

Educational Sociology and Sociology of Education are two branches of study that are sometimes understood as one and the same branch, but they are actually not so. They indeed show some differences between them when it comes to the subjects of their study and the nature of the branches of study.

The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes. The study of the development of public schooling systems and its impact on modern industrial societies forms the subject matter of the branch of study of sociology of education. Topics such as higher education, further education, adult education and continuing education can be included in the branch of study of sociology of education.

On the other hand educational sociology is the branch of study that deals with the various methods providing better education to society through an in depth research of our culture and society. Educational sociology is a subject that has to take both the sociologists and the educationists into consideration. This makes the subject an invaluable asset to all the students and researchers of social sciences, particularly sociology and education. It is a general belief that such of those who are involved in a deep study of education will benefit more from the branch of educational sociology.

In the sociology of education, education has been viewed as a basically optimistic human effort characterized by aspirations for improvement and betterment. Education is thus a fundamental endeavor of every individual. It is interesting to note that the experts of the sociology of education opine that education is looked upon as an endeavor by which children can develop according to their needs. The potential in the children plays a great part in the role of education.
