Difference Between Egg and Sperm Cell Formation

Egg vs Sperm Cell Formation

Egg cells and sperm cells are, respectively, female and male reproductive cells. When these two cells combine inside the female reproductive system, gestation may begin and will likely result in pregnancy. There are huge differences between these two cells which obviously starts from where they came from – the male and female reproductive system. These cells have different functions as well, and the only thing they share in common is that they depend on each other to create life.

There is a difference in the formation time for both egg and sperm cells. The raw materials for egg cell production are formed while the female fetus is still within the uterus. Every baby girl is born into the world with about four million egg cells in her system. These eggs drop into the uterus once every month once she is at the age of sexual maturity. On the other hand, sperm cells are constantly produced; they die (from being used), but they are also replenished, and this process usually takes about three weeks.

Both the egg and sperm cells are produced through a type of cell division process called meiosis.  However, when the sperm cell completes its second life cycle, it is done and it cannot develop any further. Meanwhile, egg cells complete their development in the first meiosis. Once they drop into the uterus, they are halfway through the first and second stage of the life cycle. It doesn’t complete until a sperm comes to fertilize it. In the process of sperm cell formation, a motile spermatozoa is produced. While in egg cell formation, an ovum in spherical in shape and immobile. It is produced and is bigger in size than the sperm cell.

There is also a difference on how these cells are produced and it involves hormones. Testosterone is the key hormone that is responsible for the production of sperm cells. Estrogen is the female hormone that promotes the release of luteinizing hormone, a hormone that triggers the egg cell release from the ovary. Both hormones are necessary for the proper development of the fetus, and both hormones provide sexual features that distinguish a male from a female. For instance, the deeper voices and growth of facial hair for males or wider hips and bigger breasts for females.

While it’s no big surprise that sperm develop in men and egg cells develop in women, the difference of the development of these cells lie in the specific process. When a sperm cell develops, it can travel through the epididymis, a tightly-coiled tube found in the testicles. There, they will be nurtured by nutrient-rich fluids. On the other hand, the eggs develop in the ovaries and are stored therein until they are ready to be released into the Fallopian tube for the fertilization process.


  • The most obvious difference: a sperm cell is a reproductive cell of males while egg cells are of females.
  • Both egg cells and sperm cells depend on each other for the reproduction of a human life.
  • Both egg cells and sperm cells undergo meiosis.
  • Sperm cells are developed in the epididymis, while egg cells develop in the woman’s ovaries.
  • An egg cell is bigger than a sperm cell.
  • Usually, the eggs are released during the woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • When a baby girl is born, she is automatically born with millions of egg cells, while sperm cells are constantly being reproduced in males.
  • By structure, a sperm cell has a tail and is mobile, while an egg cell is oval-shaped and is immobile.
  • Testosterone is the male hormone responsible for male reproductive cells while estrogen is responsible for female reproductive cells.

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