Difference Between Ethnicity and Culture

Main Difference

The main difference between Ethnicity and Culture is that Ethnicity is generally based on the racial affinities of a particular person, whereas Culture is generally based on the living style, morals, values, and beliefs of a particular person.

Ethnicity vs. Culture

Ethnicity is not based on the place of birth, origin, or country of the group of people; on the flip side, Culture is based on the place of birth, origin, or country of the group of people. Ethnicity is depended on the racial affinities of a specific person; on the other hand, Culture basically depends on the morals, beliefs, values, and living style of a specific person. Ethnicity does not continue to remain from generation to generation; on the opposite side, Culture continues to remain from generation to generation.

Ethnicity does not reflect in the art of the specific group of people; on the other side of the coin, Culture always reflected in the art of the specific group of people. Ethnicity never related to the person’s parents or ancestors; on the other hand, Culture is related to the person’s parents or ancestors. Ethnicity is something that a person inherited biologically; on the flip side; Culture is something that person gets socially.

Ethnicity is particular for a particular ethnic group; on the other side of the coin, Culture is not specific, and any other group can easily accept other cultural traits. A person can identify ethnicity from appearance; on the opposite side, a person cannot identify Culture from the appearance. Ethnicity can be identified by the person’s practices; on the other hand, Culture can be identified by the material items. The Ethnicity of a particular group is not very dynamic; on the flip side, the Culture of a particular society is not very dynamic.

Comparison Chart

Ethnicity is generally based on the racial affinities of a particular person.Culture is generally based on the living style, morals, values, and beliefs of a particular person.
Place of Birth
Ethnicity does not depend on the place of birth, origin, or country of a person.Culture mainly based on the place of birth, origin, or country of a person.
Major Factor
Ethnicity is effected by the racial affinities of a particular person.Culture is affected by the beliefs, morals, values, and lifestyles of people living in society.
Ethnicity is inherited biologically to a group of people.Culture is inherited socially to a particular society.
Ethnicity is particular for each ethnic group, and they cannot adopt the ways of the other group traits.Culture is not specific; instead, it is very dynamic, and any person of a different society can adopt the other cultural traits.
Ethnicity can also be identified with the help of the appearance.Culture cannot be identified from the appearance as it contains materialistic items.
The reflection of the Ethnicity of a particular group of people is not present in the art.Art is the primary factor that reflects the Culture of that society in which particular people are living.
The Ethnicity of a particular group does get from its parents or ancestors and does not continue to remain from generation to generation.The Culture of a particular society usually comes from parents or ancestors and continue to remain from generation to generation.
The Ethnicity of a particular group is not very dynamic.The Culture of a particular society is not very dynamic.

What is Ethnicity?

Ethnicity is the unique feature of the society that mainly depends on the racial affinities of the people living in that society. It is the characteristics that cannot remain to continue from generation to generation. It is not inherited from parents or ancestors to their offspring. It is the feature that is biologically inherited to all the members of the group.

It can be identified by the appearance of the person and is very specific as no other members of the other group cannot adopt its traits. The reflection of Ethnicity is not dependent on the art, and this part of the society is not dynamic as it is limited to the members of the society only. Ethnicity is not related to the place of birth, origin, and country of the people living in society.

What is Culture?

Culture is the unique feature of the society that mainly depends on the orals, values, beliefs, and the living style of the persons of the specific society. It is the characteristic that remains to continue from generation to generation. This feature can be transmitted from parents or ancestors to their offspring. It is something that can be inherited socially to all the people living in society.

It cannot be identified by the appearance of the members of the society as it contains materialistic items. It is not a specific trait as the other members of society can adopt their traits. The reflection of the Culture of aspecific society is seen in its art. Thus, we can say that it is a dynamic feature of society. Culture is related to the place of birth, origin, and country of the people living in society.

Key Differences

  • Ethnicity is the terms that explain the appearance of the person, and people can identify; on the other hand, Culture is the ideas, morals, and beliefs of a person that cannot be given through genetic inheritance.
  • Ethnicity is effected by the racial affinities of a particular person of a group; on the flip side, Culture is generally affected by the beliefs, values, and morals of the persons living in the society.
  • Ethnicity is a feature that a person does not gets prom its parents or ancestors in inheritance; on the other hand, Culture is a feature that a person gets from its parents or ancestors in inheritance.
  • Ethnicity is inherited to a group of people only biologically; on the other hand; Culture is inherited to society only socially.
  • Ethnicity can also be identified with the help of the appearance of each person of the group; on the opposite side, Culture cannot be identified from the appearance of each person of the society as it contains materialistic items.
  • The reflection of the ethnicity of a particular group of people is not present in the form of art; on the other hand, the reflection of the Culture of a specific society is always present in the form of art.
  • A group of people does not have a dynamic ethnicity; on the flip side, a specific society always has dynamic Culture.
  • Ethnicity is something that cannot be transmitted from generation to generation; on the opposite side, Culture is something that can be transmitted from generation to generation.
  • Ethnicity is a particular feature, and no other group can adopt it; on the other side of the coin, Culture is not a specific feature, and any other person can adopt its traits.
  • Conclusion

    The above discussion concludes that Ethnicity is the terms that explain the appearance of the person, and people can identify each other; on the other hand, Culture is the ideas, morals, and beliefs of a person that cannot be given through genetic inheritance.
