Difference Between Fascism and Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications

From history, there were many ideologies of the ruling party or the regime of ruling a country. Fascism and totalitarianism are also different ideologies for ruling a country. They have many differences in their planning, process, and ideologies. Here are some differences between them, showing the different methods of ruling in the past.

Fascism vs Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications

The main difference between the Fascism and Totalitarianism Ideologies are that in fascism ruling the nation is considered more important than the individual interests of the people. On the other hand, the totalitarian ruling considered the society as the birthplace of corruption and wanted to have control over the society.

Fascist government always had given priority to the race of the people and had wanted that the whole nation to be of only one race which would be in the back of the superior power. They believed that if all the people belonging to the same race followed the same rules will have more unity, and the nation will be much stronger.

Totalitarianism was mostly dependent on the governmental and military power for the ruling. This was also a dictatorship form of government. There are very strict rules for the citizens. Some parts of Europe still have this form of government. They do not have any urge to spread their boundaries across. But the citizens are bound to follow the rules and regulations of the government.

Comparison Table Between Fascism and Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications

Parameters of ComparisonFascism Ideologies and Their Applications  Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications  
IdeologyThey mostly focus on the nation or society and consider the individual interest as less important than the nation.They have an ideology to control the society as they considered it as corrupt and the individual person has no freedom.
Technique of rulingThey mostly depend on their secret police forcesThey depend on the government and military power for the ruling
PowerThey have executive powerThey have full authority power
BoundariesThey have an ideology to spread their boundaries acrossThey do not have any ideology to spread their provinces.
Important sectorsMilitary planning was more importantMilitary, as well as, economic planning were equally important

What are Fascism Ideologies and Their Applications?

The fascist party was developed in the late 19th century. This political party has existed in many European countries, including Italy, Germany, etc. They mostly focus on the nation or society and consider the individual interest as less important than the nation. The leaders of this party always consider the nation as the foremost important. 

They tend to increase and spread the country’s borders by concurring with other countries. There were strict rules and regulations for the citizens. The ruling of Hitler was also considered under this ruling propaganda. The military and the police were given the major forces and power. It is s dictatorship form of government that was led by the police and military forces. 

Fascist government always had given priority to the race of the people and had wanted that the whole nation to be of only one race which would be in the back of the superior power. They believed that if all the people belonging to the same race followed the same rules will have more unity, and the nation will be much stronger. 

They have considered race as the priority from the individual level. They had also prioritized military-based planning as more important than the economy of the nation. The military power is always in consideration, and it had an urge to increase that. They had no look after the economic sector of the nation, which is also equally important for an independent and strong country.

What are Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications?

They have an ideology to control the society as they consider it as corrupt, and the person has no freedom. Totalitarianism ideology was to gather the entire authority power of the nation. They tend to control the life of the citizen as well as overall the sectors of the governmental bodies. 

They were mostly dependent on the governmental and military power for the ruling. This was also a dictatorship form of government. There are very strict rules for the citizens. Some parts of Europe still have this form of government. They do not have any urge to spread their boundaries across. But the citizens are bound to follow the rules and regulations of the government.

For them, the state is the most important factor, and the lives of the people are considered negligible. The observation on the life of the common people was also considered as the nationalist work by the government. There are restrictions in every set of life of citizens. Starting from the hairstyles of the people to the clothes to the TV channels of the country, everything is fixed there the people can choose only between the options given by the government. They have an ideology that everything should be within the state and only for the state.

Main Differences Between Fascism and Totalitarianism Ideologies and Their Applications

  • Fascism mostly focuses on the nation or society and considers the individual interest as less important than the nation. In contrast to that, totalitarianism has an ideology to control the society as they consider it as corrupt and the person has no freedom.
  • Fascism mostly depends on their secret police forces. On the other hand, totalitarianism depend on the government and military power for the ruling
  • Fascism has executive power; on the other hand, totalitarianism has full authority power.
  • Military planning was more important for the fascist regime, but in comparison to that, military as well as economic planning was equally important for totalitarianism.
  • Fascism has an ideology to spread its boundaries across, but in contrast to that, totalitarianism does not have any ideology to spread its provinces.
  • Conclusion

    The ruling pattern and the government ideology have been changing overages. Around the globe, every type of government still exists, starting from kings and queens to the dictatorship to the democratic government. All of them have their ideologies and form of ruling their nation. The most dangerous form of government is a dictatorship, as the common people have to suffer the most.

    The Totalitarianism form of government still exists in Korea, China, and Afghanistan. They have similar ideologies and have similar rules and regulations.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=iwK_OXwxt-EC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=fascism&ots=v4InEBEsKg&sig=PyMAotDoS4XJeFPJ7yIn7L_tj4I
  • https://muse.jhu.edu/book/13363
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmnpGosKq%2FzGaYp5xdqby1rcuiq5qqmZa7qr%2FMZqCdnZ%2BhvKi1xKxkmqaUYsGpscirZJqooKG2pK3Toqanq18%3D