Difference Between Fate and Karma

Fate vs Karma

Fate and karma are very much related and sound the same. Some people think the two to be the same but they are very much different.

Karma can be described as something that you get based on what you put out. On the other hand Fate, which is also sometimes called as destiny is that will happen inevitably.

Fate can be called as something that is predetermined. It is something that has been written in your life even before you were born. By fate, it has been already decided that you shoul be born to certain parets, born at a ceratin place, have a wife and children and like that. Fate is that one cannot change.

On the other hand, Karma is the result of your actions. If you do something good, you will get good tings in return and if you do bad things, you will only encounter bad things.

Fate means that there are no choices in life; it is predetermined. On the contrary, karma means that there are choices in life. You have the right to choose the good and bad karma. But in fate, there is no choice of learning these lessons of life. Karma is related to the soul whereas fate is not.

When karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will. In Karma, it is the human beings who have the control whereas human beings have no control of fate; it is the will of god.

It can also be said Karma comes from within a person and fate comes to you without your knowledge. Unlike karma, fate is something that has been already decided. You have control over Karma but you don’t have control over fate.

According to Hinduism, Karma or the actions that you do in the present life is passed on to the next life. But fate is not passed on to the next life.


1. Karma can be described as something that you get based on what you put out. On the other hand Fate, which is also sometimes called as destiny is that will happen inevitably.

2. Karma is the result of your actions.

3. Fate means that there are no choices in life; it is predetermined. On the contrary, karma means that there are choices in life.

4. When karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will.

5. You have control over Karma but you don’t have control over fate.
