Difference between Fauno and Satyr

Fauno vs. Satyr

What is Difference between Fauno and Satyr? If you’re a fan of mythology, you’ve probably already read about different mythical creatures. All cultures have their myths, but certainly Greek mythology presents diverse and surprising creatures that in their majority are product of a culture with great imagination. Here below this post is all about the difference between Fauno and Satyr.

Difference between Fauno and Satyr

Did you know that nymphs have different varieties depending on where they live? There are nymphs of the forest called dryads, of the rivers, known as náyades and are even the sílfides that are of the air. In short, Greek mythology is filled with a lot of other colorful and bewildering characters like Pegasus, the winged horse that is white and bright, born according to myth; of the blood of Medusa. There are also chimeras and hydra, vile monsters that could devour more than one.

But among all these characters are also fauns and satyrs, which in many cases people often confuse because they are related to the cult of the god of wine Bacchus or Dionysus; character who loves the forest, everything green and life.

Satyrs are actually mythical creatures present in ancient Greek culture and literature. They are often described as half man and half goat. If you remember the Disney movie, Hercules, the hero’s mentor is a satyr. If you’ve seen the movie you already have a clearer idea of ​​what a satyr is. On the other hand, the fauns belong more to the Roman tradition. They are half man and half deer. Of course, both have horns, but their personalities are very different.

Satyrs are characterized by a more lascivious, vulgar, crude and risqué attitude. They used to be nasty to some people or other creatures. On the other hand, the fauns are described as beings with more fineness, style, grace and elegance. In fact, they are more favored by the Romans.

In the original texts, fauns have legs that resemble humans; however, the satyrs were represented with hooves instead of goat’s feet. Bacchus or Dionysus, the god of wine, was usually accompanied by satyrs. Like Bacchus, satyrs were known to be more aggressive, as well as for their greater inclination to sexual pleasures compared to fauns. Both, however, are seen as forest dwellers and at the same time fond of trees and wood in particular.

For the Romans, fauns were seen as an incarnation of fear, especially when traveling or visiting distant unexplored forests.

The fauns, being partly deer, had natural graceful horns. However, like the satyrs, they had to earn painfully and with work. To win them it was necessary to do a good deed or be favored by the gods.

When comparing aspects or physical appearances, the satyrs are less handsome than their faun counterparts. Often, fauns are considered as more delicate and innocent, more charming and attractive in sight. Satyrs are generally portrayed as clumsy and inept beings, with much hair and small eyes; besides a huge mouth. They were slaves of gluttony, drink, and debauchery; contrary to fauns who were more refined.

Fauns were also considered geniuses, talented and more efficient, while the satyrs are described as fools, naive, rogues and Sinverguenzas. In some famous films of Hollywood have appeared and are incorporated fauns and satyrs. As in The Chronicles of Narnia, the Labyrinth of the Faun and Percy Jackson.
