Difference Between Front Office and Back Office

Front Office vs Back Office

Front office and back office are usually the part of the room or area of the building where people work. These are places in which clerical, professional or business activities are being conducted. This is where people do their thing from sales types, or computer types of jobs.

Front Office

Front office is a business word that pertains to the company’s section that interacts with clients, like the service, sales and marketing departments. People who work in this office are the ones who deal directly with customers. They process orders and make sure clients and customers are highly satisfied. The revenue of the company is more dependent on the front office. You must have the skills to be one of the people in the front office.

Back Office

Back office is the admin staffs of the company who don’t have to meet the company’s customers face-to-face. This is the part of most companies where the tasks are devoted to running the business. Without being seen by clients or customers, they are the one who develops and manufactures products. They are the ones involved in the admin but without mingling with customers. Most people look down individuals working at the back office but these people are the major contributor of the business.

Difference between Front Office and Back Office

Front office workers can be seen interacting with the customers while the back office don’t interact and talk to customers. The front office thinks of ways and techniques in selling the items or services. The back office workers are making various ways to make these products better, and if they will sell or not. The front office accepts all complaints from the client and forwards it to the back office where they think of other ways in improving and addressing the client’s concern. Front-office workers pertain to the sales reps and customer service reps while the back office looks out the internal processes like HR, sales, warehousing and accounting.

Despite their differences, the front office and back office are not separated since these two works to have a harmonious customer relationship. One must know a bit of info about the process making of the product and how one provides the products and services.

In brief:

• Front office is the area were people work in selling and interacting with clients or customers.

• Back office serves as the internal processes like HR, accounting and warehousing.

• Back office serves as the internal processes like HR, accounting and warehousing.
