Difference between Gastritis and Gastroenteritis

Gastritis vs Gastroenteritis

Difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis:- What is Difference between gastritis and gastroenteritis? Many people use the terms gastroenteritis and gastritis indistinctly, because in the background they are unaware that they are two different conditions that do not affect those who present them in the same way.If you also have doubts about it or you came here hoping to find a little more information about this topic, then read on, because then we explain to you the difference between gastroenteritis and gastritis.

Difference between Gastritis and Gastroenteritis

Stomach flu

The gastroenteritis is a type of infection in the gastrointestinal tract mainly characterized by causing severe pain in the central part of the abdomen and by profuse diarrhea.

It can have different causes, such as: rotavirus, salmonella, and cholera, among others. Patients who are affected by this problem often report feeling severe pain in the center of the abdomen and severe diarrhea. Gastroenteritis is spread through the ingestion of certain foods or water not well maintained and through contact with fecal matter, for this reason it is important to have good sanitary and hygienic practice in order to prevent this type of infection.

Gastroenteritis can cause major problems for children and the elderly. On the other hand, due to dehydration as a result of diarrhea; Patients usually require rehydration therapy. The use of antibiotics is also used to avoid more serious complications and to calm the pain. It is important that people with gastroenteritis carry a good and balanced diet while being affected by this problem.


In another order, gastritis is nothing more than inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It causes pain and burning in the epigastrium because the inner layers that protect the stomach are exposed to gastric juice.

The Helicobacter pylori is usually the main causative organism of this disease, since this kind of bacteria colonizes the gastric mucosa; which leads to increase the predisposition to suffer from gastritis. In addition to the body, poor dietary habits and schedules, excessive coffee, alcohol and smoking have been mentioned as risk factors that can lead to gastritis. Also, anti-inflammatory like Aspirin and Diclofenac are also frequent cause of this problem. Finally, in the worst cases people can develop gastric ulcers, gastric carcinomas and even perforations. The treatment for gastritis is based on avoiding the risk factors and the use of some specialized medicines.
