Difference Between Gin and Sloe Gin

Gin vs Sloe Gin

Gin is a spirit and Sloe Gin is a liqueur. They might have the word “gin” in common, but their taste, manufacturing, basic ingredients used, and usage are all different.

Gin is basically a spirit; it is transparent like water without any color. The main ingredient of gin is juniper berries. The name Gin is believed to have different origins. According to one belief, it is the abbreviation of the word “Geneva” which has been derived from the French word “genievre” meaning “juniper.” Another origin has also been derived from the word which means juniper; the Dutch word” jenever.” This indicates that the basic ingredient of Gin, juniper, inspired the name Gin and has remained so. Juniper has a distinct flavor, perfume, and medicinal properties. In the 11th century it was believed to be used to flavor distilled spirits from where the usage started.

There are many different types of Gin. Four different categories are recognized in the European Union, and two of them in the United States. The United States recognizes Compound Gin and Distilled Gin whereas the other two classifications in Europe are:

Spirit drinks which are juniper-flavored earliest gin which are aged in barrels of wood sometimes. The alcohol content is low and it retains a grain flavor. For example, Holland Gin and Geneva Gin
Distilled Gin–Ethyl alcohol of an agricultural origin when distilled with juniper and other botanicals where the predominant taste is of juniper is called distilled gin.
London Gin–It may not have added sweetening more than 0.1 g. of sugar. It has no colorant or any other ingredients except for water. It is a gin which has a methanol content added to the ethyl alcohol by a re-distillation process. It is considered “dry.”
Gin–It is also called Compound Gin, and the flavors added to it without the process of re-distillation.

Other than these classifications, some Gins are classified on the basis of their area of origin, for example: Plymouth Gin, Slovenska borovicka, etc.

Sloe Gin
Sloe Gin is not a spirit but a liqueur. It is made with Sloe berries which are from the family of plums. Sloe berries are obtained from the blackthorn bush. It is less alcoholic and sweeter than gin. The alcohol content is 15-30 per cent by volume. The color of Sloe Gin is bright red unlike gin which is transparent. Sloe Gin is manufactured by adding or infusing the gin with sloe berries. Sugar is added so that the juices from the sloe could be extracted from the Sloe berry and sometimes almond is also used for flavoring. Especially ripe Sloe berries are used for making Sloe Gin.


1.Gin is a spirit; Sloe Gin is a liqueur.
2.Gin is transparent; Sloe Gin is bright red in color.
3.The main ingredient of Gin is juniper from which it has derived its name; the main ingredient of Sloe Gin is sloe berry from which it has derived its name.
4.Gin has more alcoholic content than Sloe Gin.
5.Gin is less sweet than Sloe Gin.
6.Gin is made by different traditional ways of distillation; Sloe Gin is basically adding flavors and essences to Gin.
