Difference Between Google and Google Chrome

The Internet has led to a changing world in terms of technology and associability. It leads to the development of certain websites and apps that has contributed the most when it comes to human development. The most used website or webpage on the internet is Google. It is used for everything from searching to learning, etc., it can be used for anything, and this is the reason behind its popularity.

If a person is not aware of the technology much still, he’ll know how to search for something on Google. Not only this, certain other apps and websites are developed that are powered or produced by Google, such as Google Chrome. Both of them have similar names and functions.

Google vs Google Chrome

The main difference between Google and Google Chrome is that Google is a broader platform providing several functions that include mailing, maps, calling, but the main is the providing information, whereas Google Chrome is the part of the Google Company which is used as a web browser for searching and providing information. Both of them were found in different years. Google was founded earlier, while after 10 years, it developed Google Chrome. Except this, they also differ in terms of their market share, produced associated with, their formats, etc.

Google is a company specialized in internet-related functions and activities. This includes advertisement, data keeping, mailing, communication, etc. it is a type of search engine with the main aim of providing information to its user. It was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who were students of Stanford University of California. 

Google Chrome is a product of Google used for searching online; it shows the websites and webpages related to the information or topic user type for searching. It was founded by Google Company in 2008. It is very easy to use chrome, and nowadays, on most computers, the direct file of chrome is set.

Comparison Table Between Google and Google Chrome

Parameters of ComparisonGoogleGoogle Chrome
TypeSearch engineWeb browser
Founded in19982008
Market share63.9%63%
Other productsGoogle drive, maps, etc.Chromecast, Chromebook, etc.
FormatText, document, image, etc.Webpage

What is Google?

Google is the most used platform as it has the largest index of websites that is over 3 billion. Its original name was Backrub, but later on, the company decided to change it. It is mainly used for providing searching information. 

Some of the platforms produced by Google are:

  • Gmail: earlier, yahoo was the platform for mailing but later on, Google came up with Gmail, and now 99% of the population uses this for mailing. It is easier and offers several features which now include meetings as well.
  • Google Maps: Google has led to the introduction of an important platform where it provides maps for every location, making it easier to search for a particular place, especially when you are new in the area.
  • Goggle Chrome: this is the platform mainly used for searching content online. It redirects to the web pages or websites providing the information.
  • The biggest advantage Google offer is that it provides more than one platform, and anyone can use this anywhere, and no special knowledge or education is required for operating this. 

    What is Google Chrome?

    Following are the features of Google Chrome:

    • It is easier to use.
    • It is a safe webpage used for searching.
    • Webpages with heavy graphics and other materials (videos, advertisements, pictures) can be easily accessed. 
    • It can be accessed easily by beginners.
    • It provides automated changes to secure the experience.
    • There is a search bar to search the information about certain topics.


    • It has a search bar making it easier to search for the topic, and it has options such as forward, backward and refreshing, which enhances the experience.
    • Chromes show all types of websites which heavy things and advanced scripting as well.
    • Google is regularly updating the service provided by chrome by making it more secure and offering more features in it.
    • It is a very famous browser that is used by many, and through this, you can use other sites too that are produced or affiliated with Google.
    • Incognito mode.

    It is easier to use several other platforms directly through, for example, by just opening the chrome we can type for Gmail platform, and at the same time in other tabs, Google maps can be used and in other tabs other platforms. Therefore it offers multi-tasking options to the user.

    Main Differences Between Google and Google Chrome

  • Google is a search engine providing several benefits, information is the main function, but along it, it also offers other functions as well. Google is a company that manufactures several things, whereas Google chrome is among the various functions provided by Google. It only provides the information sought by an individual.
  • Both of them were founded in different years. Google is the main company and therefore founded earlier in 1998, whereas Google chrome was founded after 10 years in 2008 by the Google company.
  • Both of them have market shares amongst their spaces. There is only the slightest difference between the number of shares. Google has a 63.9% or 64% percent share in the market, while Google Chrome has a 63% market share.
  • Both of them have also lead to the development of other products under their brand name. Google has led to the development of Google Chrome, Gmail, Google maps, etc., whereas Google Chrome has merchandise such as chrome bits, Chromecast, and Chromebook, etc.
  • Google is a vast platform that provides a selection that is similar to texts, paperwork, data, etc., when entered, whereas Google Chrome is a narrow platform mainly redirecting to the site.
  • Google is considered to be a search engine that can be used for searching and other functions as well, whereas Google Chrome is a web browser used for search information.
  • Conclusion

    Due to their similarities, many people fail to differentiate among them, which is necessary to understand them completely. Both of them provide information to their users, and they are pretty easy to use. But if compared, chrome is the easiest, but it can also vary from user to user. Google has powered other platforms too, but Google Chrome is the one that also has Google in its name.

    Besides this, Google has also developed other platforms, such as Gmail, maps, plays, etc. It is not just a website that provides information but a huge company that is engaged in many activities, providing information being the main.


  • https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity12/technical-sessions/presentation/carlini
  • https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2484313.2484377
  • http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmn5%2BktK2xjJqlnWWXpLyouMRmmqGqn6KycA%3D%3D