Difference Between Google Car and Regular Car

Google Car vs Regular Car

Google Car

Google Car

In early October 2010, Google announced that it has put robotic cars that have been driving themselves for road testing in California. It created an interest worldwide about “Google Car.”

What’s this Google car and what’s the difference between Google car and normal car?

Everyone knows about a normal car. Google car is an Artificial Intelligent car, which has no human drivers and drives on its own. This car is part of Google’s new research initiative and Google has now put it on road testing.

Theoretically speaking, robotic cars with scanners and sensors can have a better view of the surrounding than human, it can see the road from 360° perspective and react faster than human.

In Google car you have to just give your destination. With the digital map in the GPS navigation system it will analyse the speed limits and traffic patterns and plots the route it has to take. Then with the help of cameras, scanning laser and an array of sensors it will drive you to the destination.

The Google car has a device at the roof of the car, which will produce a detailed map of the environment. The device has a rotating sensor that scans more than 200 feet in all directions to generate a precise three-dimensional map of the cars surroundings.

A video camera mounted near the rear view mirror detects traffic lights and helps the car’s on board computers recognize moving obstacles like pedestrians and bicycles.

The car has four standard automotive radar sensors, three in front and one in the rear. This help determine the position of distant objects.

Another sensor mounted on the left rear wheel measures small movements made by the car and helps to accurately locate its position on the map.

All this information is received by the car’s on board computer, which navigate the car through the road to the destination.
