Difference between High blood Pressure vs Low blood Pressure

High blood Pressure vs Low blood Pressure

Difference between high blood pressure and low blood pressure:- What is Difference between high blood pressure and low blood pressure? When we talk about blood pressure we are referring to the pressure of the blood in the bloodstream, i.e. the pressure that the blood exerts against the walls of the veins and arteries. This pressure is measured taking into account two forms of the same: the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure.

Difference between High blood Pressure vs Low blood Pressure

The first is the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and sends them blood, while the second is the pressure in the arteries at the time the heart rests between each heartbeat.

The high and low pressure is two different conditions that occur when the blood pressure is not normal, that is, that goes away from the average that is 120/80 mm Hg calculated in a sphygmomanometer. Whether you are high (hypertension) or low (hypotension), abnormal blood pressure brings complications and symptoms that are important to know.

If you have doubts about it or you are simply looking for some information that will complement what you already know, then continue reading. Here’s how the difference between low blood pressure and high blood pressure is.

High blood pressure

When the pressure is consistently above 140/90 mm Hg, doctors often talk about hypertension. High blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, kidney problems and even dementia; since a constant hypertension weakens the blood vessels causing in serious cases that they break and the heart fails.

People who smoke, do not exercise, do not eat healthy or eat too much salt; Are often at an increased risk of developing hypertension. Similarly, having diabetes, kidney disease, and high cholesterol all contribute to this problem.

Because there are often no symptoms, it can be difficult to determine if you have hypertension; only frequent check-ups can reveal whether the person suffers from high blood pressure.

Treatment for hypertension includes: a healthy lifestyle, low sodium intake, regular exercise and medication if needed.

Low blood pressure

On the other hand, low blood pressure or hypotension occurs when blood sugar levels are below 0/60 mm Hg. This can cause a reduction in the flow of blood that travels to the heart, brain and vital organs and thereby increase the likelihood of these organs being damaged.

The most common symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, nausea, and blurred vision, sensitivity to light, fatigue and respiratory acceleration. This condition is usually a symptom of another major disease; Such as diabetes, anemia, severe infections, severe allergic reactions, lack of vitamin B-12, Parkinson’s disease. Finally, treatment for hypotension may include: ingestion of more sodium, drinking more water, medications (if needed), among others.
