Difference Between Hope and Dream

Hope vs Dream

Hope and dream are two terms that are used to discuss our expectations and desires for the future. Dream can be a cherished ambition or desire, or an idea created in your imagination. Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. People make an effort to fulfill their dreams; however, they don’t usually make a physical effort to make a hope come true.  This is the main difference between hope and dream

What is a Dream?

The word dream has a variety of meanings; although dream usually refers to a series of thoughts, images, or feelings that happen during sleep, or an idea that is created in your imagination, it can also refer to a cherished ambition, ideal or aspiration. In other words, a dream is something that you have wanted very much to do, be, or have for a long time. It is a mix of hoping and wishing. For example, a child may dream of being a ballerina; this childhood dream may or may not come true. This child will fantasize about the future, but unless she works hard, she will not be able to fulfill this dream.  At the same time, we sometimes don’t expect some dreams to come true since we know that they are visions or fantasies created in imagination. We are perfectly happy with that fantasy, and take no effort to fulfill them.

He achieved his childhood dream when he won the match.

She was looking for the man of her dreams.

Winning an Olympic medal is a dream coming true.

I had a dream about going to Paris.

He knew that going abroad was just a dream.

Key Difference - Hope vs Dream

What is a Hope?

A hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. In other words, we want something to happen and think that it could happen. So, we live with the expectancy that it might happen.

There is no guarantee that our hopes can come true or turn into reality. But you live with the belief that they will come true. In the face of bad luck or adversary, hope is the expectation of some better times. For example, we hope that we will long and happy lives. Furthermore, we don’t actively put in any effort to make our hopes come true. We usually hope for things that are out of our control.

Surgery is her only hope.

I hope you’ll return soon.

She is so young and full of hope.

I hope you understand why I did this.

I hope my family is safe.

Difference Between Hope and Dream

What is the difference between Hope and Dream?


Hope: Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Dream: A dream is a cherished ambition, ideal or aspiration, or an idea created in fantasy.


Hope: We don’t try to make our hopes come true.

Dream: We try hard to fulfill our dreams.

 Image Courtesy:  “755551” (Public Domain) via Pixbay  “797837” (Public Domain) via Pixbay 
