Difference between How Are You and How Are You Doing

Key difference: The two phrases ‘How Are You’ and ‘How Are You Doing’ are commonly used as part of a greeting. While, both can be used at any and all instances, it is generally considered that ‘how are you’ is a more formal and reserved greeting than ‘how are you doing.’ ‘How are you doing’ is mainly used more in a more laid-back setting with people who are familiar to the speaker.

The two phrases ‘How Are You’ and ‘How Are You Doing’ are commonly used as part of a greeting. A greeting is an act of communication which is used when meeting somebody.

While, both can be used at any and all instances, it is generally considered that ‘how are you’ is a more formal and reserved greeting than ‘how are you doing.’ ‘How are you doing’ is mainly used more in a more laid-back setting with people who are familiar to the speaker.

Also, both greetings are mainly used as general inquires and do not actually require a proper answer. Traditionally the accepted answer has become with “Fine, how about you?”

Additionally, ‘how are you’ is generally asked while referring to one’s health or feelings. It is often also asked after the person may have been dealing with a difficult period or a traumatic situation. During which or after, concerned people may ask, ‘how are you’ or how are you now.’

‘How are you doing,’ on the other hand, can be used interchangeably in the previously stated instances, such after a difficult period, one may ask ‘how are you doing’ or ‘how are you doing now.’ Whereas, ‘how are you doing’ can also be used to refer to the status of oneself, such as, while referring to work, life or the status of a project or report, etc. For example, “You just started your new job. How are you doing?” or “I heard you just moved here. How are you doing?” or “the report is due this Friday. How are you doing?”
