Difference Between Java and C++

Java and C++ programming languages are now widely used in profitable coding. Because of some unique features, these two programming languages are also widely used in the industry. C++ is a widely-used programming language because of its reliability, speed, and memory access utilization. Java is widely used in the information technology sector. In terms of software growth, it is unrivaled by any other programming language.

Java vs C++

The main difference between Java and C++ is Java is popular among developers, but it is slower because the code must first be viewed throughout run-time. But since C++ is collated with binaries, it operates instantly and thus way quicker than Java programs. Java is platform-independent; Java bytecode runs on any software system, whereas C++ is platform-dependent and must be tabulated for each platform.

Java is based on a virtual machine, which is extremely controlled and portable. It is categorized with a detailed library to include assistance for the established system’s abstract concept.Java was primarily intended for application software, but it also includes the features of a translator for printing systems, which has been later expanded into network computing.

C++ is a programming language that is abstracted from C and it has characteristics of both procedural and entity programming languages. C++ was created to be used for application software development. The C++ programming language was the first to introduce concepts like objects and classes. It is responsible for embedding both higher and lower C features, and it is also regarded as an intermediate-level language.

Comparison Table Between Java and C++

Parameters of Comparision Java C++
FounderJames Gosling created Java at Sun Microsystems in 1971Bjarne Stroustrup produced C++ as an extension to the C language at Bell Labs in 1979.
Platform IndependenceJava is a platform-independent language.C++ is a platform-dependent programming language.
Compiler and InterpreterJava includes both a compiler and an interpreter.C++ is a compiled programming language.
Compatibility with other languagesThere is no backward compatibility with any previous languages.Except in rare cases, C source code is compatible.
Management of memoryProgrammer-accessibleControlled by the system
PointersJava only provides minimal support for pointers.Pointers are supported in C++.

What is Java?

Java is a regular-purpose, category-based, object-oriented programming language with low implementation dependencies. It is a computer technology stage in the development of applications. As a result, Java is quick, safe, and dependable. It is widely used in the development of Java applications in desktops, cloud services, gaming systems, scientific quantum computers, mobile phones, and other devices.

The Java programming language was previously established as OAK. It was initially designed to handle portable devices.  Oak was a colossal flop. Sun Microsystems changed the name to “Java” in 1995 and modified the language to capitalize on the rapidly growing www (World Wide Web) growth business. Oracle Corporation later purchased Sun Microsystems in 2009, gaining control of three key Sun integrated software: Java, MySQL, and Solaris.

The Java Platform is a set of programs that enable software developers to efficiently build and run Java programming applications. It contains an execution engine, an optimizer, and a collection of library services. It is a collection of software and specifications. 

Java is used to create Android Applications, Enterprise Solutions, a broad variety of Phone Java Programs, High-Performance computing Software, Data Analytics, Java Programming of Hardware operating devices, and Technologies such as GlassFish, Apache, JBoss, and others.

What is C++?

C++ is an object-determined computer language developed as part of the evolution of the C family of languages by renowned computer scientist Bjorne Stroustrup. The word C++ is declared “see-plus-plus.” It was created as a cross-platform enhancement to C to give creators more control over data and system resources.

C++ is sometimes referred to as “C with classes” as it adds entity programming principles, such as the use of defined classes, to the C computer language structure. C++ has stayed a very popular language over the period, not only in software development or computer coding but also in developing teaching developers how object-oriented computing works. C++ can also be used to create a wide range of operating systems, software, browsers, applications, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), and computer games due to its high scalability and efficiency.

Nowadays, C++ still is highly regarded for its remarkable functionality, usability, and portability which enables developers to quickly build apps that can operate on a variety of operating systems or devices. Amidst becoming a high-level language, C++ can also be used for low-level deception due to its close connection with the computer program language.

C++ embraces object-oriented computing; the four major object-oriented programmings (OOPs) pillars used throughout C++ are  Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction, and Encapsulation.

We can create a variety of secure and reliable apps using the C++ programming language like Application for Windows, Client-Server software, Drivers for devices, and Embedded firmware.

Main Differences Between Java and C++

  • Java uses both a compiler and an interpreter, whereas C++ only uses a compiler.
  • Java only allows for method overloading, whereas C++ allows for both operator and method overloading.
  • Java has fully automated trash collection built-in, whereas C++ allows for mechanized object management via the fresh and erase keywords.
  • Java Native Interface and, more lately, Java Native Access are the only ways to make calls in Java, whereas direct calls to native system libraries are supported in C++.
  • Java does not engage as much with hardware, whereas C++ is closer to hardware.
  • Java does not contain multiple inheritances, whereas C++ does. If there are any problems during multiple inheritances, the search engine virtual is often used to rectify them.
  • Conclusion

    C++ and Java both are object-oriented software programs. C++ is also a procedural programming language. Inheritance, polymorphism, pointers, memory management, and other attributes distinguish both languages. C++ has some qualities, such as proximity to hardware, better object control, speed, efficiency, and so on, that end up making it much more effective than Java and therefore inspire programmers to use C++ for low-level coding, elevated graphics rendering, system programming, and so on. Similarly, Java’s simpler syntax, automated system garbage collection, absence of pointers, layouts, and other features makes it popular for internet-based applications.

    All in all, C++ can be used for just about anything, but this is not always required. Java is usually adequate and can be even more successful and impactful for projects. You can probably have found too many Java developers, and you can discover more developers to grab where your former developer left off and if you part ways.


  • https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/(SICI)1097-024X(19990410)29:4%3C345::AID-SPE238%3E3.0.CO;2-C
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