Difference Between Java and JavaScript

Java and JavaScript, both are greatly successful Computer Programming languages that are used immensely in today’s modern and tech-savvy world. Even though they are similar, there are certain technical differences between both of them.

Java vs JavaScript

Java is an object-oriented programming language. It has a virtual machine platform allowing the creation of compiled programs that are eligible to be run majorly on every possible platform. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a programming language that is lightweight and is primarily used to make the webpages more interactive. It is commonly also known as the browser’s language.

Both of them, even after being programming languages, do not have a lot of similarities between them. It is a C like syntax which is put to use in both the languages. Apart from that, both are widely used in Web Applications on the client-side.

However, only these are the kind of similarities they possess and thus, it can be inferred that they only have a few similarities and more of differences between them.


Comparison Table Between Java and JavaScript (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of ComparisonJavaJavaScript
MeaningJava is a general-purpose programming language, majorly class-based and object-oriented.JavaScript is a programming language that conforms to the ECMA Script specification. It is a high level, often just-in-time compiled and multiparadigm.
TypeJava is an object-oriented programming language.JavaScript is also object-based but is a scripting language.
PlatformJava applications are the ones that can be possibly run in any Virtual Machine or browser.JavaScript code is developed for browser only and hence runs on the browser only.
BasisJava objects are class-based and no object can be created without forming a class.The objects of JavaScript are prototype-based.
MemoryJava program takes up more memory than JavaScript.JavaScript requires comparatively less memory than Java and hence it is used in webpages.

What is Java?

It is a general-purpose high-level programming language, that is class-based and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. The former name of Java was Oak.

Java is a language for programming that is majorly object-oriented and its applications can be easily run in any Virtual Machine or browser.

Since the objects are class-based, they cannot be created without forming classes. This is also the reason why it takes up a large amount of memory as compared to other programming languages.

It is a great software in the sense that it allows the application developers to write once, run anywhere. The Java syntax is similar to C and C++, however, the difference is that the lower-level facilities in Java are fewer as compared to both of them.

The original development of Java was done by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and it was in 1995 that it was released as a core component of the Java platform of Sun Microsystems.

Java is known to be stricter than C++ and this means that the variables and functions need to be explicitly defined. This also signifies that the Java Source Code can produce errors or ‘exceptions’ pretty much more easily than other programming languages.

The Java programs cannot directly be run by an operating system like Windows executables or Macintosh applications. They are interpreted by a Java Virtual Machine which can run on multiple platforms.

However, the JVM must be installed to make sure that Java programs can be run.


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is also a programming language but it conforms to the ECMA Script Specification and is a high-level language. It is considered to complied just-in-time often and is also seen as multiparadigm.

Even though JavaScript is also object-based but is a scripting language. This language is majorly used in Web Development and since the code is specifically developed for the browser, it can only be run in the browser.

Unlike Java, JavaScript objects are prototype-based and thus require less memory as compared to Java.

JavaScript owes its original development to Netscape and was developed as a means to load the websites and add dynamic and interactive elements to these websites.

The Source Code of JavaScript is processed by the web browser of the Client rather than on the Web Server, which means that it is a scripting language on the client’s side. This also implies that the functions of JavaScript will be able to run after the webpage is loaded, even without communicating or connecting with the server.

There are several other scripting languages such as PHP or ASP. Similar to them, the code of JavaScript can be inserted anywhere within the HTML of any Webpage.

The difference which exists is that JavaScript code is visible fully in the source of the webpage whereas, concerning other languages, only the output is displayed in HTML.

Main Differences Between Java and JavaScript

Java and JavaScript, both are technical programming languages. However, except for a few similarities, there exist major differences between both these languages.

  • Java is a programming language that is majorly class-based and object-oriented. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a programming language that is following the ECMA Script and is high-level.
  • Java is an object-oriented programming language. JavaScript is also an object-based language but is a scripting language.
  • Java applications can be easily run in any Virtual Machine or browser. JavaScript, on the contrary, is created specifically for browsers and hence can be run on browsers only.
  • Objects of Java are class-based, which implies that they cannot be created without forming classes. JavaScript objects, on the other hand, are prototype-based.
  • Since Java objects are class-based, they end up taking and making use of more memory as compared to other languages. And JavaScript objects being prototype-based, use up less memory as compared to other languages and hence is used in the formation of webpages.


    Java and JavaScript are programming languages which are, in essence, a bit typical to understand deeply due to their overly technical nature. However, having a general idea of what they might mean and where they are used is not that typical.

    Both the languages have quite a lot of differences between them, mainly of a technical nature, and to have an overview of them is not something which would pose a lot of problems.



  • https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2936313.2816715
  • https://aip.scitation.org/doi/pdf/10.1063/1.168647
  • https://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/co/2012/02/mco2012020007.pdf
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmopGrrm6tzZ1ko5mmlsCkvsipq2g%3D