Difference Between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment (with Comparison Chart)

job enlargement vs enrichmentOnce job analysis is completed, it is followed by job design which involves continuous eforts in organizing activities or tasks, duties and responsibilities into work unit, to achieve the objectives. There are five approaches to job design, which are job rotation, job engineering, job enlargement, job enrichment, and socio-technical system. Two of these approaches which are most commonly juxtaposed are job enlargement and job enrichment. The former refers to the increase in the number of tasks performed by an employee at the same job.

On the other hand, the latter refers to adding certain stimulators to the job so as to make it rewarding. A job is said to be enriched when the incumbent has the power to make decisions and plans.

Just take a read of this article to know the basic differences between job enlargement and job enrichment.

Content: Job Enlargement Vs Job Enrichment

  • Comparison Chart
  • Definition
  • Key Differences
  • Conclusion
  • Comparison Chart

    Basis for ComparisonJob EnlargementJob Enrichment
    MeaningA technique of job design in which the task related to a single job are increased is known as job enlargement.A management tool used to motivate employees, by adding responsibilities in the job is known as Job Enrichment.
    ConceptQuantitatively expanding the scope of a job.Qualitatively extending the range of activities performed by a job.
    ObjectiveTo decreases the boredom in performing a redundant task.To make the job more challenging, interesting and creative.
    OutcomeMay or may not be positiveThe result of job enrichment is always positive.
    Requirement of additional skillsNoYes
    SupervisionMoreComparatively less

    Definition of Job Enlargement

    Job Enlargement means to increase the tasks of an employee performed by him in a single job. It is an attempt of management to decrease the monotony of the repetitive task. Under this technique, few tasks are added to the existing job which is similar in nature.

    Job Enlargement

    Graphical Representation of Job Enlargement

    In this way, variety in the job is added, and it will become more interesting for the job holders. There are some advantages of job enlargement which are indicated below:

    • It increases the degree of satisfaction in workers because when the job is enlarged, one employee is assigned the whole or the maximum part of the project. In this way, their contribution to that particular project is appreciated.
    • In job enlargement, both the physical and mental abilities of a worker are utilized. However, the jobs should be enlarged to a limited extent, i.e. up to the capacity of the employee. It should not create pressure and frustration in an employee.
    • It increases the task variety that reduces boredom in performing the job.

    With the introduction of a new task in the same job, workers may require additional training to perform the task. It may also happen that the worker productivity will fall after the implementation of new system. Further, the employee may demand increment in their pay for the increase in their workload.

    Definition of Job Enrichment

    Job Enrichment is a job design strategy, applied to motivate the employees by delegating them extra responsibilities to make it more rewarding. In short, we can say that job enrichment means to upgrade the quality of a job and to make it more exciting, challenging and creative.

    Job Enrichment

    Graphical Representation of Job Enrichment

    The job holder is given responsibilities and power to plan, control and make important decisions. The requirement of supervision will now be less or it can also be said that the worker himself will perform the tasks of a supervisor.

    The concept of job enrichment was first proposed by an American psychologist Fredrick Herzberg in 1968. The salient features of job enrichment are discussed with the help of the following figure:

    Features of Job Enrichment

    Features of Job Enrichment

    Job Enrichment helps to improve the efficiency of the worker along with raising their level of satisfaction. There are more responsibilities, diversity of tasks, autonomy and growth possibilities in an enriched job as compared to a normal job.

    Key Differences Between Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment

    The major differences between job enlargement and job enrichment are mentioned as under:

  • A job design strategy in which the number of tasks performed by a single job is increased is known as Job Enlargement. Job Enrichment is defined as a motivational tool, used by the management in which the range of activities performed by a single job is increased to make it better than before.
  • Job Enlargement involves quantitatively extending the scope of activities carried out by the job whereas in Job Enrichment improvements are made in the existing job to increase its quality.
  • Job Enlargement reduces boredom and monotony while performing a single task, on and on. Conversely, Job Enrichment makes the job more challenging, exciting as well as creative.
  • Job Enlargement does not require additional skills but job enrichment does.
  • In job enlargement, the expansion of tasks is made horizontally, i.e. at the same level. On the other hand, job enrichment involves vertical expansion of activities like controlling and doing the task.
  • Job enlargement requires more supervision as compared to job enrichment.
  • The consequence of introducing job enlargement is not always positive, but job enrichment will produce positive outcomes.
  • Job Enlargement makes employees feel more responsible and valuable, while Job Enrichment brings satisfaction and efficiency in employees.
  • Conclusion

    Both job enlargement and job enrichment are regarded as motivational tools for the employees, used by the management. However, employees find job enrichment is a far better tool than job enlargement. Job Enrichment gives planning, controlling and decision-making powers to the job holder. It helps them to grow and develop. As opposed to job enlargement, which is just a tactic of management to increase the workload of existing employees. The job holders feel satisfied that his tasks have been extended, without knowing that his role and responsibilities are increased.
