Difference Between Life Science and Physical Science

Both the term life science and physical science help understand that many different kinds of things exist on the earth, and it could be both living and nonliving. Life science is a wide subject ranging from the smallest DNA, the nucleic acid, to the largest trees found on our earth.

Life Science vs Physical Science

The main difference between life science and physical science is that life science is studying living organisms, which includes humans, plants, animals, and microorganisms. Physical science is the study of natural yet inanimate objects, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, and earth science.  

Life science means the study of life and all its forms from past to present. As the name includes, life means that it is the study of all life, including animals, viruses, bacteria, cells, single-celled organisms, and plants. It is a study of the biology of the living organism how they live. There is also a group of specialists who do this study, and they are known as biology.

Physical science is a study of a nonliving thing, but few biological processes are also involved so that it can be explained fully.  The principle of physical science depends upon the laws and theories which explain why this and how it occurs, and why it does not.

Comparison Between Life Science and Physical Science

Parameter of Comparison Life science Physical science
Meaning Life science means the study of life and all its forms from past to present. As the name includes, life means that it is the study of all life, including animals, viruses, bacteria, cells, single-celled organisms, and plants. It is a study of the biology of the living organism how they live.Physical science is a study of non-living things, but few biological processes are also involved in explaining it fully.  The principle of physical science depends upon the laws and theories which explain why this and how it occurs, and why it does not.
Deals with Life science deals with living things in the world.Physical science deals with the existence of life on earth.
Subject Life science has a subject like biology, botany, microbiology, genetics, zoology, etc.Physical science has a subject like geology, oceanography, chemistry, maths, physics, etc.
Study of Life science is studying living objects like plants, animals, humans, organisms, bacteria, and cells.Physical science is a study of nonliving things, which includes physics, earth science, astronomy.

What is Life Science?

Life science is a study of all living organisms’ lives, including the study of animals, plants, and humans. Although the psychology that studies the behavioral aspect of the living organism also comes under life science, it includes the biological aspect and instance of this organism to describe this phenomenon. This science helps to understand the detail about life in general especially tells the detail about living organisms. It also helps us to understand the mechanism and principle which govern life on our planet. The study of this subject has many areas and ranges, including structure and molecules inside organisms to study RNA, DNA, nucleic acids, proteins to organs, cells, and the shapes and size of the organism.

It Is estimated that there are 400,000 different types of plants and 8.7 million different types of animals, and an endless number of viruses and bacteria as there are many different types of living organisms to study. Many life is science researchers specializing in the organism, and some are specialists in zoology, which have more subspecialties. There are more than thirty branches of life science; some of them are zoology, botany, microbiology, paleontology, plant biology, genetics, and it continues. 

What is Physical Science?

Physical science is the study of a subject that increases the knowledge of the universe. Physical science is not studying the living organism, but it focuses on energy and matter and different kinds of substances. This study includes the study of microscopic (molecules, atoms), the structure’s study, and the mathematics from some of the largest (stars, sun, and planet).  

This describes everything of the universe from the start of time. Some physical science branches are chemistry, physics, astronomy, earth science, geology, planetary science, astrophysics, and meteorology. It is a systematic study of non-living things despite the study of the organic world in biological science. It consists of four main areas that are physics science, chemistry, astronomy, and earth science. These four parts are also divided into subparts.

Main Differences Between Life Science and Physical Science

  • Both life science and physical science helps to understand the natural habitat of the earth.
  • Life science deals with the living thing; thus, it is a study of the organic world. On the other hand, physical science deals with nonliving things; thus, it is a study of the inorganic world.
  • Life science deals with living things in the world. On the other hand, physical science deals with the existence of life on earth.
  • The different subjects in life science are biology, botany, microbiology, genetics, zoology, etc. On the other hand, different physical science subjects are geology, oceanography, chemistry, maths, physics, etc.
  • Life science is studying living objects like plants, animals, humans, organisms, bacteria, and cells. On the other hand, physical science is a study of non-living things, including physics, earth science, and astronomy.
  • Conclusion

    As the primary difference between life science and physical science has been told, it will help understand that both the terms are very different. However, they both are part of science but have a different meaning.

    Life science is studying living things on earth like bacteria, cells, humans, animals, and plants. In contrast, physical science is the study of non-living things that exist in earth physics, earth science, astronomy, etc. It is seen that they both have different parts and perform a different function.


  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=qqKgx47QMX8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=difference+between+life+science+and+physical+sciences&ots=fPk-AMRcry&sig=-phUw2XqtRNI-NPtB715m70wMts
  • https://www.nature.com/articles/srep01449
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmpJmbsm6%2FwqKcp5uVYq6vsIypn7KrmZiurXnSnKCeppOafA%3D%3D