Difference Between Love and Infatuation

Love vs Infatuation

Since people tend to think that infatuation is something similar to love, it is very important to understand the difference between love and infatuation. The first fact that needs to be understood about love and infatuation is that love and Infatuation are two words that differ a lot in their senses. Love is a kind of feeling that pours out of one’s heart and soul. On the other hand, infatuation is a kind of emotion that is triggered by hormones. Love takes its origin from the Old English word lufu. Also, love is used as a noun and a verb whereas infatuation is only used as a noun. The younger generation normally misunderstands the difference between love and infatuation. They often take them to be one and the same.

What is Love?

Love is defined by the Oxford English dictionary as “a strong feeling of affection.” When comparing love and infatuation, love is affectionate in nature. In other words, it can be said that love is triggered by affection. Unlike infatuation, love does not fade away with time. Moreover, love is permanent and universal in nature. It grows with time. Also, love waxes with time. In other words, love grows stronger with passing time. While infatuation is concerned with physical need, love consists in sharing and is often not related to physical need. Philosophers differentiate love and infatuation in a nice manner. They say love realizes the spiritual truth. In short, you can say that love is unworldly in nature. Long term relationship is quite possible in the case of love. Love does not break or ends easily. Love does not fail. Compared to infatuation, love is permanent.

What is Infatuation?

Infatuation is defined by the Oxford English dictionary as “an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.” When comparing love and infatuation, infatuation is sensual in nature. Explaining in other words, infatuation is triggered by sex appeal. Since infatuation is concerned more with physical attraction, infatuation has the tendency to fade away with time. In other words, infatuation wanes with time. To explain more about infatuation, infatuation is the resultant of physical need. In other words, it can be said that physical need paves the way for infatuation. According to the definition given by philosophers, infatuation realizes the materialistic truth. In other words, infatuation is worldly in nature. Quite contrary to love, long term relationship is not possible in the case of infatuation. Contrary to love which does not break easily, infatuation very easily brakes. While love does not fail, infatuation can fail. Infatuation is momentary. Anything momentary cannot be permanent at all.

Difference Between Love and Infatuation

What is the difference between Love and Infatuation?

• Love is affectionate in nature whereas infatuation is sensual in nature.

• Love waxes whereas infatuation wanes with time. This is an important difference between love and infatuation.

• Love is unworldly in nature whereas infatuation is worldly in nature.

• Love does not fail whereas infatuation can fail.

• Compared with infatuation, love is permanent.
