Difference Between Male and Female

The world has been divided into two biological classifications known as males and females. All the living beings like humans, animals are mostly divided into these and they are also the main source of the world to reproduce and move forward. The extension of the species will lead to the destruction of the earth.

Male vs Female

The main difference between males and females is that they both have different hormonal secretion and the dominant ones for developing the body is different. The males produce testosterone which is the main hormone for their development whereas females have two hormones known as estrogen and progesterone which is responsible for female development.

Males are the species that produce gametes especially spermatozoa which are responsible for interacting with female eggs to produce offspring. The males develop their male organs after the age of 16 and are known as adulting. They develop an adam’s apple as well as start to grow facial hair and gain base to their voice.

Females have larger gametes than males known as Ova which produces eggs and is fertilised by the male gametes and the offspring is borne by the females and the development is done in the uterus. The females start their adolescent age at twelve and they develop their mammary gland as well as start menstruating and acquire lady-like attributes.

Comparison Table Between Male and Female

Parameters of ComparisonMale Female
Definition by definition The males are defined as the species which produce gametes known as spermatozoa which interact with females to produce offspring. The females are defined as the species which produce gametes known as ova which interact with males to produce offspring.
Mammary glandThe males do not have a well-developed mammary gland because it represents fertility sometimes.Females generally have well-developed mammary glands because they have to feed the offspring.
Adam’s AppleMales have well-developed adam’s apple because they have bigger voice boxes and have base voices.Females have smaller voice boxes and generally tend to have high-pitched voices.
Face ShapeThe more testosterone the sharper is the jawline along with the cheekbones.The higher the level of estrogen the fuller is the face of the females. The hormones control the facial features.
Hair growthDuring the years of puberty, males develop more facial hair due to the rise of hormones known as androgens.The females grow less facial hair than the man due to lower levels of androgens.

What is Male?

Male is defined as the species of human or animals which interact with the females to produce offspring. The human males produce gametes which are known as spermatozoa and they interact with the female’s egg and fertilise them to produce offspring which have chromosomes depending on the pair they acquired their gender is determined.

The males have XY chromosome and in which the X is acquired from the mother and y from the father. The puberty age of the males is said to be sixteen which means they start to develop some new personality traits which make them more masculine looking.

During puberty, the males gain height and they start to grow more and achieve a comparative height. The males also start to grow facial hair including moustaches, beards. The facial growth is due to the higher level of androgens in the male body and they also have hair growth over the body.

In the higher adults of the species, the level of testosterone starts to decrease which results in few problems in the older age. In the youth, they have the power to fertile an egg which keeps on decreasing with the age due to the decrease of hormones responsible. 

What is Female?

Females are a species that is commonly defined as egg producers. They interact with the males to produce offspring and also they can reproduce alone which is more prevalent in the plant and animal species. The females produce eggs known as ova and they are responsible for being fertilised with the spermatozoa. 

The females start their puberty at an early age which means around twelve. The females also can start adulting before this because of their lifestyle and food habits. In girls, adulting refers to the start of their menstruation cycle which means the shedding of the lining of the egg of the uterus which is not fertilised.

 The girls also start growing their height and they also start to have raising levels of hormones. They have voice changes along with the growth of hair. They also grow their mammary glands during this age. The females have a well-developed mammary gland which also proves that they are fertile due to their fullness.

Females after a certain age lose fertility due to the lowering of the levels of the hormones in the body. The females have a high-pitched voice and they also have a smaller voice box. Females also tend to have curvy bodies rather than masculine bodies.

Main Differences Between Male and Female

  • The definition of male and female differs according to the gametes they produce. The male produce spermatozoa which interact with the female ova to produce the offspring whereas the female produces ova and bear the children.
  • The males start to grow facial hairs especially beards due to the high level of androgens in the body and the female have less facial hair due to the lower levels.
  • The males do not have a well-developed mammary gland whereas females have a developed mammary gland.
  • The face shape also depends on the higher levels of the hormones present. The males have sharper cheekbones and jawlines whereas the females have fuller faces and lips when the level of hormone is correct.
  • Males develop their voice glands and have bigger voice boxes which give them a base voice whereas the females have small voice boxes and they have more high-pitched voices.
  • Conclusion 

    The males and females have many differences especially biological and they are due to the difference in the hormones of each species. Even in the animal kingdom, they have differences like the peacock has more colourful feathers. The males have a heavy voice whereas the females go through adulting very differently. The age also differs for the adulting like the males have it later whereas the females start early. They have some things in common and they can be acknowledged while we see. The males also have a different face shape mostly like a heart while the females have a circular shape.


  •  https://academic.oup.com/jcr/article-abstract/18/1/63/1813827
  • https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1958-02759-001
