Difference Between Mold and Mildew

moldMold vs Mildew

If you would check cleaning agents, you will see that they would specify in their labels that they are for mold and mildew. They are usually being mentioned together and it is for this reason that they are mistaken as one and the same thing. So what is the difference between the two?

Though they both sprout from spores and in places that are warm and moist, they are different kinds of fungi. Mold mostly grows in food while mildew is usually found in paper, textiles or showers. Their colors also vary. Mold takes the color of green, blue, red or black while mildew is white or gray.

If there are foods that have molds in them, it is advisable that people should not take them. It is advisable that the foods be thrown away. It is an indication that the food is already spoiled. On the other hand, if mildew grew in plastics, fabrics or papers, you cannot scrub it off. Usually mildew cleansers can only remove mildew if they are in hard surfaces such as the tiles in the bathroom.

Because of the toxin that is called mycotoxins, molds can cause allergy. You might feel the symptoms like asthma, cough, headache and eye irritation if you got infected with these toxins. And though molds are not really a good thing, they are still helpful. Penicillin, which is an antibiotic, was actually discovered from the mold, penicillin.

Mildew on the other hand has two kinds. They are classified into powdery mildew and downy mildew. Usually the powdery kind can grow on flowers especially roses. The downy mildew grows on crops like potatoes and grapes.

So basically, molds differ from mildew in terms of where they usually grow and their color.
