Difference Between Nickel and Chrome

Nickel vs Chrome

The word industrial revolution reminds us of two things, and they are fuel and metals. Using metals for various purposes is clearly an indication of how advanced we are in terms of technology. Metals have unique properties. Therefore, each of the metal found on earth could be used for different applications. As time passed by, people realized that mixing two or more metals together helps re-define the idea of material usage. They found alloys. Even today, metals are used in plating, a coating for environmentally sensitive equipments for protection, to add a finish and a look. Nickel and Chrome are two different metals popular is metal plating/coating industry.


Nickel is a d-block metal having the chemical symbol Ni. Its atomic number is 28. The appearance of pure Ni is silvery white with a slight golden tinge to it. It is hard and withstands many environmental conditions. One main feature is the anti-corrosive property due to the slow rate of oxidation. Ni was first isolated and identified as an element by 1751 by Axel Fredrik. Major Ni production sites are situated in Canada, Russia and Pacific region.

Due to the anti-corrosive nature Ni is used to plate iron and brass. It is also a part of alloys like German silver, which gives a silvery polish. Ni was also used in making coins during the past although it is replaced with cheaper metals at present. Some people also show allergic response to Ni, especially skin allergies. Only four elements are ferromagnetic under room temperature, and Ni is one of them. Apart from its applications in home appliances, automobiles, Ni is also used as an industrial catalyst in industries like margarine production.

Chrome (Chromium)

Chrome is another name for Chromium. This is also a d-block metal. It has the chemical symbol Cr, and its atomic number is 24. Chrome appears in steel gray. It is hard and brittle. This metal also can be highly polished and, therefore, used as a surface coating in many home appliances and automobile parts. Chrome can also withstand very high temperatures. Chromium is, however, a very toxic and carcinogenic compound. Chromium production sites require environmental cleanups.

Chrome plating gives a shiny, mirror like finish. It is also durable and anti-corrosive. Due to the smooth finish finger prints, marks, water spots and scratches are highly visible. This is a shortcoming of Chrome plating. Chrome is used to plate copper and steel. It is also used to make Nichrome an alloy made up of Nickel and Chrome used in hot plates, ovens and irons.

Nickel vs Chrome

• Nickel and Chrome (also known as Chromium) are two different metals.

• They are both used in metal plating. Nickel plating gives a matt finish, and Chrome gives a mirror-like finish.

• Nickel tend to discolor with time more than Chrome does.

• Nickel plating does not show finger prints, scratches etc. to the naked eye like Chromium plating does.

• Chromium/Chrome is expensive than Nickel.
