Difference Between OLTP and OLAP

Primary Difference

Information technology is the way forward; this age is known as the age of IT but what exactly is an IT system may confuse people. It is a computer-based information system which consists of machines as well as individuals who collect information and then present it for the people to gain knowledge. It is a database where all the information is gathered with the help of different tools. Online analytical processing is a term related to computer technology which examines all the data which comes through the system. They have many properties such as analyzing multi-dimensional data and processing information and has its applications in business, data writing, and reporting. Two different types of data analysis tools are known as OLAP and OLTP. They are distinct from each other in many ways. The first difference is the names itself, OTAP stands for On-line Transaction Processing while OLAP stands for online Analytical Processing. The main difference between them is that OLTP focuses on small transactions which are made and looks into detail the fast query process. OLAP, on the other hand, looks at all the data which has been entered in the system with low transactions and finding a better response time. Another difference between them is that there is a significant level of operations at the OLTP level while the number of the operations is smaller at OLAP level. They also differ in the way of working and performing specific tasks. OLTP system controls all the functions of the system and then runs the necessary business tasks which are to be performed. OLAP, on the other hand, helps in taking critical decision for the system, solves different issues and lets the planning of specific tasks to go ahead. Both deals with various types of queries, OLTP system, has queries which are small and straightforward ones and have minor records. OLAP system solves more challenging questions which involve several records. The other difference between them is that an OLTP system is mainly known as an operating system while an OLAP system is known as a data warehouse. There are many other differences between them which will bel listed down at the end, but some of the detailed descriptions of both these types of systems are given in the next couple of paragraphs.

Comparison Chart

On-line Transaction ProcessingOn-line Analytical Processing
Focuses on small transactions which are made and looks into detail the fast query process.Looks at all the data which has been entered in the system with low transactions and finding a better response time.
Data Usage
Uses operational data.Uses consolidation data.
Shows an image of all the activities going on in a business environment.Shows different views of individual events.

Definition of OLTP System

OLTP stands for On-line Transaction Processing and is the kind of information technology which helps in managing different transactions which are carried out in such business-related environments, they keep checks on every data which has been entered and point towards the exact location of data whenever it is required. Other features of this include that it gives image view of all the business related activities going on at the current time. Helps in managing and running of different business activities while the data stored is in the form of operational data. It also allows for backups and recovery which gives it an advantage over others, though this takes more space than necessary. For making the transactions, there is less space required so the system can work on a smaller level in a current state. It deals with simple queries which have lower data, which also have fewer records. Therefore, the speed of OLTP system is fast.

Definition of OLAP System

OLAP stands for On-line Analytical Processing and performs a multi-dimensional analysis which checks data in different business activities and solves complex problems. The primary purpose of this is to resolve these issues, suggest solutions and to take decisions which help in making the system better. It is known as a system which is relatively slow, but that is because it has to analyze a broad range of data which can contain important files. Therefore, the speed is variable depending on the process at hand. There are no proper backups available, but the data can be loaded from different environments which save space and make the system simpler. It has consolidated data which means the information comes from various sources but can be viewed in multi-dimensional views for different business activities but deals with the compound systems instead of taking the easier route. It has longer update times and takes a while to refresh data since it is not available in a proper space.

Differences in a Nutshell

  • OTAP stands for On-line Transaction Processing while OLAP stands for On-line Analytical Processing.
  • OLTP focuses on small transactions which are made and looks into detail the fast query process. OLAP, on the other hand, looks at all the data which has been entered in the system with low transactions and finding a better response time.
  • OLTP system uses operational data while OLAP system uses consolidation data.
  • The primary purpose of an OLTP system is to control and allow central business tasks to carry on while the main role of OLAP system is to help in taking critical decisions, solving problems and planning.
  • OLTP system is known as an Operational system while OLAP system is known as a data
  • OLTP system shows an image of all the activities going on in a business environment while OLAP system shows different views of individual events.
  • OLTP system solves straightforward and small queries while OLAP system deals with complex questions.
  • An On-line Transaction Processing is relatively fast while the On-line Analytical Processing depends on the type of data involved.
  • Smaller space is required to work in the case of transaction processing while more space is needed for the analytical processing.
  • There are proper backups which exist in the OLTP environment while reloading of data is the most favorable option when it comes to OLAP system.
  • Conclusion

    Computer architecture and understanding terms associated to it can be a troublesome task and these two terms above are similar ones which have various differences between them but always seem similar to each other. This article has, therefore, looks to explain the differences between them to help people create a clear understanding.
