Difference Between Parsley and Coriander

Main Difference

The main difference between Parsley and Coriander is that Parsley has a milder flavor and aroma whereas, Coriander has a strong flavor and aroma.

Parsley vs. Coriander

Parsley has a bright green color, whereas coriander is deeper green. Although flat-leaf parsley looks similar to coriander, curly leaf parsley consists of round leaves whereas coriander leaves have sharper serrations. Parsley is a biennial plant in a temperate region and annual plant in a tropical and subtropical region whereas coriander is a seasonal plant. Parsley is commonly used in European and North American cuisine whereas Latin Americans, Asians, Indians and Middle Easterns commonly use coriander in their cuisine. Only leaves of parsley have their uses for cooking whereas all parts of coriander such as leaves, roots, seeds, stems have their use in cooking. Parsley has a mild grassy flavor while coriander has a more pungent and intense flavor.

Parsley is a rich source of antioxidants, i.e., apigenin, luteolin, a flavonoid. It also consists of rich vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid. On the contrary, coriander leaves have rich vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C with less amount of minerals and seeds are rich in dietary fibers and minerals but have small content of minerals. One can only consume roots and leaves of parsley, whereas the whole coriander plant has utilization. Parsley seeds have an oval shape, fragmented top and 2-3 mm long. Entities use parsley for oil extraction. On the other hand, coriander has spherical, 3-4 mm in diameter and dry schizocarp seeds. Dry seeds of coriander have their uses for flavored spice.

Comparison Chart

Parsley is a biennial herbal plant that has a milder flavor and aroma.Coriander is an annual herbal plant that has a strong flavor and aroma.
Origin Country
Central Mediterranean regionWestern Asia and Southern Europe
Scientific Names
Petroselinum crispumCoriandrum sativum
Alternate Names
Garden ParsleyCilantro, Chinese parsley
Ovoid,2-3 mm LongSpherical, 4-5 mm Diameter
Use of Seeds
Used as an essential oil extraction.Used as a spice
Tree Biology
Biennial herbal plantAnnual herbal plant
Edible Parts
Leaves and rootsLeaves, roots, seeds
Antioxidants, folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C.Vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C less content of minerals.

What is Parsley?

Parsley is a flowering plant species that belongs to family Apiaceae. The botanical name of parsley is Petroselinum crispum. This herb originates in Mediterranean, Italy, Algeria, and Tunisia. It is a biennial herb consist of a cluster of leaves 10-25 cm long with 1-3 long leaflets. Coriander is known as Cilantro, Chinese parsley, and Dhania as well. It is naturalized in Europe and cultivated as a vegetable, herb, spice. The parsley divides into Curly leaf parsley and Flat leaf parsley. It is a tropical plant that needs sufficient sunlight and moisture to grow. Parsley root is rich in vitamin C and a source of iron. It has many health benefits: acts as a rich source of antioxidants, promotes kidney cleanse, reduces water retention (edema), helps with weight loss, have anti-inflammatory properties, act as remedy of acne and skincare product, causes detoxification, controls Diabetes, boost digestion, reduces Rheumatoid Arthritis, contains anti-cancer properties, reduces risk of osteoporosis, balances hormones, eliminate bad breath, treat Anemia, promote healthy hair. Parsley has uses as a garnish, parsley juice, soups, salads. Parsley rarely causes allergic reactions, but the excess of parsley causes uterotonic effects, and pregnant women should avoid it.

What is Coriander?

Coriander is an aromatic, annual herb that belongs to the Apiaceae family. The botanical name of coriander is Foeniculum vulgare. It originates from countries of the Mediterranean Sea, Western Asia, Southern Europe. All parts of coriander are edible, i.e., roots, leaves, and seeds. It also possesses medicinal properties, therefore used in various cuisine and medicines. It is a flavorful and aromatic herb. It is a delicate plant that can grow 50 cm in height. The leaves vary in shape: lobed leaves are present at the base of the plant, and leaves that are present on the flowering stem are lean and feathery. Coriander is an ingredient in middle eastern, Indian, Caucasian, Mediterranean, Portuguese, African, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, Caucasian, Central Asian, Mediterranean, Latin American, Chinese, and Scandinavian cuisine.

Along with pungent and strong flavor, it also imparts a slight citrus flavor that gives a distinct flavor to dishes. As heat affects its flavor, it is better to serve or add fresh leaves. Its seed is globular, dry schizocarp. Coriander causes an allergic reaction. Health benefits of coriander include: Relieves skin disorders, reduces skin inflammation, treats diarrhea, lowers cholesterol level, regulates blood pressure, treat mouth ulcers, improves bone health, treat smallpox, control diabetes, treat conjunctivitis, prevent eye problems, prevents menstrual disorders, protects from salmonella, aids in digestion and have anti-allergic properties.

Key Differences

  • Only leaves and roots of parsley are edible whereas all parts of coriander are edible such as leaves, seeds, roots.
  • Parsley has a brighter green color. On the other hand, coriander has a darker green color.
  • Parsley seeds are avoid shaped and are 2-3 mm long and are used in essential oil extraction conversely coriander seeds are spherical schizocarp with 3-4 mm diameter and have used as a spice.
  • Parley is a biennial herbal plant, on the flip side coriander is an annual herbal plant.
  • Conclusion

    The Above discussion concludes that only leaves and roots of parsley are edible and have a milder flavor contrary to coriander whose all parts of the plant are edible and have an intense flavor.
