Difference between Party and Treat

Key Difference: Party and Treat both refer to having a good time. A party is a gathering for festivities, where a bunch of people get together for a special occasion or in honor of a person. A treat, on the other hand, can mean a variety of things. It can include a special food or drink that is eaten on a particular event. A treat can also be a few friends getting together, but one friend treats them to food, drink, or entertainment.

Party and Treat both refer to having a good time. Both a party and a treat occur rarely and are done on a special occasion. There are usually done to commemorate that special occasion and perhaps to honor the person.

A party is a gathering for festivities, where a bunch of people get together. This get-together can be for a special occasion or in honor of a person, such as a birthday party, a graduation party, bachelor party, a wedding party, etc. Still, a party can be held for no particular reason other than getting together and having fun, perhaps on a weekend or on a holiday, or when everyone just needed to relax and have a party.

A party can usually include food, beverages, alcoholic beverages, music, dancing, etc. Depending on the occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, or wedding, it may also have a cake. A party can also be themed, such as Dance party, 80’s party, 90’s party, Old West party, etc.

 A treat, on the other hand, can mean a variety of things. It can include a special food or drink that is eaten on a particular event. For example: “I passed my course, so I treating myself to ice-cream” or “I stuck to my diet for the whole month so I am treating myself to steak tonight.” Additionally, a treat can also be giving as a positive reinforcement. For example: For every test you pass, I’ll give you a dollar as a treat.

The treat need not be a food; it can also be an event, occasion, or something else. For example: “For the 50th show today, the cast is treating us to a special dance number” or “For my birthday, my mom is treating me to a visit to Disneyland.”

However, in reference to a party, a treat can also be a few friends getting together, but one friend treats them to food, drink, or entertainment. This basically means that that friend pays for everyone’s bill for whatever he was treating them to, be it dinner, beer, or a show.

Comparison between Party and Treat:



Definition (Merriam-Webster)

  • A social event in which entertainment, food, and drinks are provided
  • An organization of people who have similar political beliefs and ideas and who work to have their members elected to positions in the government
  • Law : A person who is involved in a legal case or contract
  • To deal with or think about (something) especially in a particular way
  • To think of and act toward (someone or something) in a specified way
  • To pay for someone's food, drink, or entertainment


A group of people who come together to have fun. Often includes alcoholic beverages, music, dancing, games, etc.

A special item that is considered as a choice or reward for something. Something that happens that causes special pleasure or delight. When a person pays for another’s food, drink, or entertainment as a special occasion.


  • Let’s go to a party.
  • Are you going to Mary’s party?
  • Let’s host a party.
  • Did you have fun at the party?
  • How many are going to come to the party?
  • I worked hard, I deserve a treat.
  • Let me give you treat.
  • I’m treating you to a dinner.
  • This is your treat.
  • What do you want as your treat?
