Difference Between Physical Capital and Human Capital

Main Difference

The main difference between Physical Capital and Human Capital is that Physical Capital emphasizes the non-human belongings of the corporation, like tools and equipment, plant and machinery, office supplies, etc. whereas Human Capital relates to the stock of talent, knowledge, abilities, and skills put in by the worker, to the corporation.

Physical Capital vs. Human Capital

Physical capital includes all material assets belonging to a business entity such as buildings, vehicles, and equipment, whereas human capital refers to the combined value of an entity’s human component, in particular, the workforce.

Physical capital is consists of all non-human resources utilized in the production of other goods and services. As long as the management of physical capital is mostly non-personal and generic, that of human capital is personal and customized in nature. Physical capital lacks a similar capability, while human capital has the potential to evolve and self-augment.

Physical capital is tangible and substantial, i.e., it is possible to physically or feel, touch, taste, and see, and on the other side, human capital is intangible. The use of physical capital is easy and straight forward to compute and is usually expressly indicated on a company’s balance sheet, while that of human capital is a bit more complex to compute and is, in most cases, assumed.

The market establishes buying and selling prices of the physical capital, and these assets can be bought and sold as commodities; on the other hand in human capital, the market establishes purchase and sale prices of the physical capital, and these assets can be bought and sold like stock.

Comparison Chart

Physical CapitalHuman Capital
Physical capital relates to all tangible, non-human, and human-made resources utilized in the production processes of goods and services.Human capital relates to the capabilities, experience, and skill-sets that employees bring to a business organization.
Economic and technological process.The attentive decision of the possessor and social process.
It is divisible from its holder.It is not divisible from its holder.
Nature of Depreciation
Continuous use consequences in depreciation.Aging or elderly results in depreciation, but it can reduce.
It traded in the market.Only the facilities or services of human capital traded or sold.
Fiscal Statement
It displayed in the financial or fiscal statement.It not displayed in the fiscal statement.

What is Physical Capital?

Physical capital is either an element or a part in production. It comprises of physical or tangible, human-made products that help in the procedure of making goods or services. The buildings, machinery, vehicles, office or warehouse, and computers that a corporation retains are all as belonging of its physical capital.

Starting or new firms invest or put in physical capital initial in their development or growth, usually once they have made a single product or held their first customer. The collection of physical capital with well-known companies and the related investment or deal required can show a substantial hurdle to access for new corporations, specifically those in production-intensive businesses.

The multiplicity or range of physical capital is a certain level of change or diversification in a specific manufacturing business. Therefore, from the perception of physical capital, opening a new business is far easier than opening a new manufacturing or industrial plant.

What is Human Capital?

Human capital is a nonphysical fixed asset or value not recorded on a firm’s financial statement or balance sheet. It categorized as the financial worth of a worker’s expertise and experience. It comprises belongings such as education, intelligence, training, health, skills, and additional features of companies’ value, like punctuality and loyalty.

The conception or idea of human capital identifies that not all employment or labor is equivalent. But companies can better the value or quality of that capital by devoting in workers. Human capital is significant as it perceived to growth productivity or output, and therefore, success or profitability. So the further a business invests or put in for its workers, the more profitable and effective it might be.

An association is usually stated to be as good as its persons. Leaders, employees, and directors, who make a business’s human capital, are precarious to its accomplishment or success — usually, human capital managed by an administration’s human resources (HR) department.

HR department supervises staff attainment, optimization, and management. Its further directions comprise workforce or staff strategy and planning, recruitment, worker training and growth, analytics, and reporting.

Key Differences

  • Physical Capital is acclimated with mean the corporation’s non-human belongings such as plant and equipment, building, office supplies, computers, etc. that help in the making of products and services. On the other hand, human capital explained by the set of knowledge, skills, talent, and abilities possessed by a worker or a group of staff working in an association.
  • The creation of physical capital is a cost-effective and technical procedure. While the creation of human capital is a communal or public procedure, however, it is also a result of focused conclusions led by the capitalist in this concern.
  • Physical capital might be apart from its owner easily, whereas human capital is inseparable from its owner.
  • Physical capital seems in the balance sheet of the business, while human capital does not seem in the balance sheet.
  • Physical capital is tangible; i.e., it can be seen and touched. But human capital is imperceptible or intangible, that only practiced.
  • Physical capital may be traded in the marketplace instantly; however, human capital not traded or sold in the marketplace, relatively the facilities or services traded.
  • Physical capital is generally movable, but more or fewer limits arise out of trade obstacles mandatory by various countries or states. But, when it turns to the movability of human capital, it is not entirely movable among countries, as movability limited by culture and nationality.
  • Conclusion

    Physical and human capital both require significant investment to acquire and develop. Also, firms need to spend considerable amounts of money on repairing both of these types of capital. An obvious difference between the two types of capital will enable their proper combination, resulting in maximum productivity and returns for business entities.
