Difference Between Pinocytosis and Receptor Mediated Endocytosis

Main Difference

The main difference between pinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis is that pinocytosis absorbs anything in the extracellular space while receptor-mediated endocytosis is very specific with regards to the materials it transports inside the cell.

Comparison Chart

PinocytosisReceptor Mediated Endocytosis
The bulk intake of fluid matter including solutes by a cell.Intake of solid matter by a cell
The vesicles are formed by invaginations of the plasma membraneInward budding of plasma membrane vesicles
Relatively lowRelatively high
Energy consumption
Relatively lowRelatively high


Pinocytosis is basically the way toward retaining liquid together with its substance into the cell. The cell does this by shaping slender channels through its layer. These channels encompass the fluid and every one of its substance and afterward squeeze off into vesicles, thus the fluid in effectively assimilated into the cell. The particles then wire with lysosomes to hydrolyze or be separated. The procedure of pinocytosis requires a considerable measure of vitality as adenosine triphosphate. This is the concoction exacerbate that is for the most part utilized as vitality as a part of general cells. Pinocytosis is utilized fundamentally for the retention of extracellular liquids (ECF). As opposed to phagocytosis, it creates little measures of ATP from the squanders of option substances, for example, lipids. Dissimilar to receptor-interceded endocytosis, pinocytosis is nonspecific in the substances that it transports. The cell takes in encompassing liquids, including all solutes display. Pinocytosis likewise fills in as phagocytosis; the main distinction is that phagocytosis is particular in the substances it transports. Phagocytosis inundates entire particles, which are later separated by proteins, for example, cathepsins, and consumed by the cells. Pinocytosis, then again, is the point at which the cell inundates officially disintegrated or separated sustenance.

Receptor Mediated Endocytosis

Receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) is the procedure by which a cell assimilates supplements into the cell. The cell layer is fixed with receptors which look for their good molecules or nutrients. When they locate the nutrients, the receptors get a flag through the layer. The procedure then prompts to a layer covering. The receptors, now covered will now append to the particle. The plasma layer will then encompass the particle, which will then be consumed by the cell through a vesicle. The vesicle then forsakes the supplement and un-coats itself. It then comes back to the cell layer. The atom or the supplement is then combined with lysosomes to be hydrolyzed or be separated. The capacity of RME is exceptionally different. In addition to the fact that it is utilized for assimilation of certain particular substances which are required by the cell, including however not restricted to LDL or iron, by means of their particular receptors, for example, LDL receptor and transferrin, individually. It is likewise utilized for downregulation of transmembrane flag transduction, which is basically when the receptors get to be disguised and are transported to the late endosomes and lysosomes for debasement.

Key Differences

  • Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a very specific and ligand binds to a certain receptor on the cell membrane. Pinocytosis is a very general process and is not looking for anything particular from the extracellular space.
  • Pinocytosis is when a liquid material is absorbed and engulfed. Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a process by which cells engulfed molecules into a cell by the inward budding of plasma membrane vesicles containing proteins with receptor sites specific to the molecules being engulfed.
  • Receptor-mediated endocytosis uses transport proteins in the cell membrane to do this, whereas pinocytosis is more like a pinching of the cell membrane to bring stuff in.
  • Pinocytosis is a process that is happening all of the time. In pinocytosis, amoeba may form the vesicles easily it moves along. Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a process by which cells internalize molecules into a cell by the inward budding of plasma membrane vesicles containing proteins with receptor sites specific to the molecules being internalized process.
  • RMW is more efficient over pinocytosis.
  • The way pinocytosis absorbs substances is much simpler as compared to the RME.
  • Pinocytosis only absorbs water, unlike RME which takes to a great particles.
  • During the process of pinocytosis, vacuoles are formed whereas in RME endosomes are being formed.
  • Pinocytosis is involuntary from the cell. It just happens non-discriminately and shouldn’t really take big things inside the cell. A receptor mediates TME and downstream signaling events are needed to drag whatever is outside inside.
  • Pinocytosis doesn’t take much energy while RME takes a lot of energy and it is specific.
  • Pinocytosis is the absorption of liquids while RMW absorbs certain particular nutrient as required by the cell.
  • RME is a much selective process as compared to the pinocytosis.
  • Pinocytosis is about cell drinking while RME is about cell eating.
  • Unlike RME, pinocytosis is nonspecific in substances that it transports.
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