Difference Between Preschool and Daycare

Preschool vs Daycare

The difference between preschool and daycare stems from the objectives of each. The concepts of preschool and daycare are as much a result of nuclear families with working moms, as much as a necessity to prepare small kids for formal education later in life. You know how difficult it is to manage a small child if you are a working mom. Why not utilize the time you are away with your job by enrolling your kid in an educational setting so that, when he is finally ready for formal education, he finds it easier to get into a reputed school? If you are interested, it is prudent to know the differences between a preschool and a daycare so that you can decide on either of them depending upon your requirements.

Gone are the times when it was upon an individual to think about a preschool or a daycare center to prepare his kid for admission in a school. Today, because of working women, increasing population and fierce competition among small kids for admission to reputed schools has meant that parents have to think about such options. There are many who do not know the exact differences between a preschool and a daycare. Read on to know these differences. However, whether a preschool or a daycare, both strive to offer activities to kids to stimulate cognitive, physical and social abilities of kids. The environment is kept playful to let kids enjoy and learn with fun.

What is Preschool?

A preschool is designed primarily to prepare your kid to face the admission test for kindergarten in reputed schools. A preschool is normally for kids below the age of 5, which is the cutoff age for kids for admission into kindergarten. Preschools have fixed operating hours that are meant to make kids learn to sit in educational environments. Also, a preschool may operate once a week, or several times a week. The curriculum of a preschool is prepared keeping in mind the requirements of the admission test for kindergarten.

Difference Between Preschool and Daycare

What is Daycare?

A daycare is more of a reliever to a working mom as she can be relaxed while at her job, as she knows that her kid is actually having a quality time while at the same time learning new things. Daycare centers can have children of all ages right from toddlers to 10-12 year olds. Higher age limit is because sometimes, when there is no parent or guardian to look after the child after school hours, parents prefer to keep them in a daycare. They take the child home when they are going home after work. In a daycare, other than teaching children to experience educational environment, there is another objective of relieving a mom from looking after the kid so the operating hours could be longer for a daycare. A daycare will operate everyday of the week.The curriculum of a daycare is a little lighter, and not given too much consideration as the primary purpose here is more of custodial nature than of an educational setting. However, every effort is made to make children learn new things in a comfortable atmosphere.

 Preschool vs Daycare

What is the difference between Preschool and Daycare?

• While a preschool is designed primarily to prepare your kid to face the admission test for kindergarten in reputed schools, a daycare is more of a reliever to a working mom as she can be relaxed while at her job, as she knows that her kid is actually having a quality time while at the same time learning new things.

• A preschool is normally for kids below the age of 5, which is the cutoff age for kids for admission into kindergarten. On the other hand, daycare centers can have children of all ages right from toddlers to 10-12 year olds.

• Preschools have fixed operating hours that are meant to make kids learn to sit in educational environments. Also, a preschool may operate once a week, or several times a week.

• When it comes to a daycare, there is another objective of relieving a mom from looking after the kid so the operating hours could be longer. A daycare will operate everyday of the week.

• Another difference between a preschool and a daycare pertains to curriculum. While the curriculum of a preschool is prepared keeping in mind the requirements of admission test in kindergarten of big schools, the curriculum of a daycare is a little lighter, and not given too much consideration as the primary purpose here is more of custodial nature than of an educational setting.

Though, there is not much to choose from when it comes to a daycare and a preschool, it boils down to logistics as people prefer to select a setting that is closer to their homes. Another consideration of a working mom that tilts the decision in favor of a daycare center is that, it gives the mom a little more freedom.

Images Courtesy:

  • Preschool by Globe toters (CC BY-SA 3.0)
  • Daycare by Jenny (CC BY 2.0)
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