Difference Between Protonation and Deprotonation

Main Difference

The main difference between protonation and deprotonation is that the protonation is the adding of a proton in a chemical compound, whereas the deprotonation is the elimination of a proton from a chemical compound.

Protonation vs. Deprotonation

Protonation is the chemical process that occurs during the chemical reactions in which a proton adds in a chemical compound; on the other hand, deprotonation is the process that occurs during the chemical reaction in which the proton removes from a chemical compound. Protonation is the increase in +1 charge in an atom, molecule, ion, or a compound; on the other hand, deprotonation is the decreases in the +1 charge of the atom, ion, molecule, or a compound.

The atom, molecule, or a compound that involved in the protonation is called the base; on the flip side, the atom, molecule or a compound that involved in the deprotonation is called the acid. Protonation is the process in which the pH of the chemical compound increases; on the contrary, deprotonation is the process in which the pH of the solution of a chemical compound decrease.

Protonation is the addition process, whereas the deprotonation is the removal or eliminating the process. Protonation is the chemical process in which the energy added in the chemical reactions; on the flip side; deprotonation is the chemical process in which the energy released during the reactions. In other words, protonation is the addition of H+ in the chemical compound; on the other hand, deprotonation is the removal of the H+ from a chemical compound.

Protonation increases the charge of the atom, ion, or a molecule; on the flip side, deprotonation decreases the charge of the ion, atom or a molecule. Bases always undergo chemical processes of the protonation during the acid-base reactions; on the other hand, acids always undergo the chemical processes of the deprotonation during the acid-base reactions.

Protonation is the chemical process of producing conjugate acids during the chemical processes; on the flip side; deprotonation is the chemical process of producing the conjugate base during the chemical process. Protonation always causes the production of water molecules from the hydroxyl groups of the compound in the chemical processes; on the flip side, deprotonation always causes the production of hydroxyl molecules from the water molecules in the chemical processes.

Protonation is a very fast chemical process during the organic reactions; on the other hand, deprotonation is a very slow process during the organic reactions. Protonation is the chemical process which stimulates the isomerization process, whereas the chemical process which stimulates the isomerization process. Protonation is the increasing rate of acidic character; on the flip side, deprotonation is the increasing rate of basic character.

Comparison Chart

The protonation is the adding of a proton in a chemical compound.The deprotonation is the elimination of a proton from a chemical compound.
Protons add in a compoundProtons remove from the compound
It increases the +1 charge of the moleculeIt decreases the +1 charge of the molecule
Rate of Acidity or Basicity
Rate of basicityRate of acidity
The pH of the Compound
It increases the pH of the compoundIt decreases the pH of the compound
Speed of Process
It is a fast processIt is a slow process
Isomerization Process
Stimulates the isomerization processInhibit the isomerization process
The Energy of the Process
It adds the energy to the reactionIt releases the energy from the reactions
Type of Process
Addition processEliminating process
H+ Ion
Hydrogen ions add in the compoundHydrogen ions eliminate from the compound
It is the reversible processIt is the irreversible process
Catalytic Ability
It has the catalytic powerIt does not have catalytic power

What is Protonation?

Protonation is the chemical process of the addition of a proton in the chemical compounds during the chemical reactions. It is a very fast process. It can form the water molecules from the hydroxyl molecules. The protonation is the reversible process that increases the charge of the chemical compound by a rate of +1 charge in an atom, ion, molecules, or a species.

The pH of the solutions or solvents involved in the protonation is very low. Protonation is the rate of basicity or acidity of the chemical or organic compounds. Protonation is the addition or endothermic process that involved in the isomerization process. It also stimulates the polymerization process.

It has the catalytic power to increase the acidity of the reactions that are used in several processes such as addition reactions, nucleophilic, electrophilic reaction, substitution reactions, etc. The process of protonation is proportional to the degree of the acidic character of the substance. It generally involves the formation of the water molecules during the process.

Hydrogen ions always added up in the chemical compound during the protonation process. It also has its ability to vary the optical characteristics of the molecule. The process of protonation of the compounds depends upon the acidity of the acids available to the solutions or the solvents. The protonation process is used to decrease the reactivity of the organic molecules. Protonation generally is known as the endothermic process that involves releasing the energy by donating the proton to the chemical species very easily.

The process like the addition of hydrogen in the ammonia molecule which results in the formation of ammonium ions, the addition of hydrogen ions in water molecules to produce the hydronium ions, the protonation of hydroxyl ion to form the water molecules, the addition of hydrogen ions to the alcohols to form the hydronium ions in the solution, the addition of hydrogen ions to the alkenes and alkynes, etc best explain the term protonation.

What is Deprotonation?

Deprotonation is the chemical process of eliminating the protons from the chemical compounds during the chemical reactions. It is a slow process. This process also has its ability to form hydroxyl ions from the water molecules. Deprotonation is the irreversible process that has its ability to decrease the charge of the chemical compound by a rate of +1 charge in an atom, molecule, or ion species.

The pH of the solutions or solvents involved in the deprotonation process is very high. This process does not have its ability to perform chemical reactions by acting as a catalyst. The process of protonation is proportional to the basic character of the substance. Hydrogen ions always eliminate from the chemical compound during the deprotonation process. Its optical activities are also variable.

The process of deprotonation also depends on the pH of the solutions or solvents. This process increases the reactivity of the organic molecules. The processes like the removal of hydrogen ions from water to form hydroxyl ions, the removal of a proton from the alkanes to form the alkenes and alkynes, the removal of hydrogen ions from the alcohols, etc. best explain the term deprotonation.

Key Differences

  • Protonation is the phenomenon of proton addition; on the other hand, deprotonation is the phenomenon of proton removal.
  • Protonation always increases the pH of the chemical solution; on the flip side, deprotonation always decreases the pH of the chemical solution.
  • Protonation always adds the +1 charge to the chemical compound; on the other hand, deprotonation always removes the +1 charge to the chemical compound.
  • Protonation is the increasing rate of acidic character; on the flip side, deprotonation is the increasing rate of basic character.
  • Protonation occurs very rapidly; on the other hand, deprotonation occurs very slowly.
  • Bases generally used in the protonation process by accepting the proton; on the contrary; deprotonation generally used in the deprotonation process by removing the protons.
  • The addition of energy occurs in the protonation process; on the flip side, the removal of energy occurs in the deprotonation process.
  • Protonation increases the charge of the atom, ion, or a molecule; on the flip side, deprotonation decreases the charge of the ion, atom or a molecule.
  • Protonation process involves in the isomerization of the chemical substances; on the other hand, the deprotonation process does not involve in the isomerization of the chemical substances.
  • Protonation is the chemical process that occurs in the bases during the acid-base reactions; on the flip side, deprotonation is the chemical process that occurs in the acids during the acid-base reactions.
  • Protonation always produces the conjugate acid in the chemical process; on the contrary, deprotonation always produces the conjugate base in the chemical process.
  • Protonation makes the solution more concentrated; on the flip side, deprotonation makes the solution less concentrated.
  • Protonation involves in the manufacturing of the water molecules; on the other hand, deprotonation involves in the manufacturing of the hydroxyl molecules.
  • Protonation is the endothermic process; on the other hand, deprotonation is the exothermic process.
  • Conclusion

    The above discussion concludes that the protonation is the increase in the +1 charge of the chemical compound; on the other hand, deprotonation is the decrease in the +1 charge of the chemical compound.
