Difference Between Psychology and Sociology

Psychology and sociology are two terms in the study of human minds. Psychology is the study of an individual’s mind and behavior. It has many subdivisions and using this situation, an individual’s behavior is studied. Sociology is the study of the behavior and functioning of human society. It explains the culture and diversity seen among a group of people.

Psychology vs Sociology

The main difference between Psychology and Sociology is that Psychology deals with the emotions of an individual. It predicts the nature of an individual. Sociology deals with the nature of a society when a certain situation pops up. It predicts the changes that are to be exhibited by a group of people.

Psychology is a branch of science which deals with the study of the human mind, emotions, attitudes, and behavior. It is deals with the ways through which the human mind responds to different emotions. It studies the structural and functional working of the brain. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, predict and change the behavior of mind.

Sociology is a division in social science which deals with human relationships, social interactions, and patterns of cultures present world-wide. It is the science that studies human nature in a society. It starts with the early civilization interactions to the new-age relationship people build between them.


Comparison Table Between Psychology and Sociology (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of ComparisonPsychologySociology
AimPsychology studies the details of an individual’s reactions to a certain situation.Sociology studies the details of a society’s reaction to a certain situation.
SituationsPsychology explains a personal condition and explains the causes of this.Sociology explains a community’s adaptation through a particular situation.
DevelopmentIt explains an individual’s emotional and social behavior towards one another.It manages the student to understand the emotional and social behavior of different cultures in the world.
MaterialsIt needs a common statistics and the details about an individual’s behavioral pattern.It needs research work along the globe and such records to preserve the culture of diverse nations.
Career opportunitiesPublic sector and investigation operators need psychology graduates to understand the case better.Human resources sector and social service sectors need sociology graduates the most.

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior of an individual. It is a science of understanding the various emotions an individual exhibits in different situations. It includes both conscious and unconscious phenomena. Psychologists are graduates who have studied psychology and practice it for the service of the public.

Psychologists understand a person better by making the individual go through certain situations. From them they can understand the social, emotional, and behavioral changes a person undergoes. This is kept as a record and similar observations are taken for improving the statistics. This helps them to conclude an individual’s condition.

A psychologist can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists take care of the mental health of an individual and also study the physiological and biological aspects of a person. Psychology is not restricted to treating the mental health of a person, it is used to understand the orientation of human emotions.

Psychologists are now turning into a requirement in institutions and corporations. They are important in improving the mental health of people and thereby improve the assets of an institution. They have also helped in the forensic and academic sectors.


What is Sociology?

Sociology is the study of social behavior and cultural interaction between people. It is a study that is required to improve the interaction between people. It explains the different patterns through which humans lived as social animals. Some sociologists conduct real-time surveys while the others use the theoretical resources.

Sociology goes through different aspects of society. It includes class, mobility, religion, gender, and sexuality. Around the globe, these aspects are valued differently. These classifications were made by societies and are still present in the society. Qualitative and quantitative resources are required to analyze the statistics.

The social research has expanded to all the public sectors. These statistics are required to improve the lifestyle of people involving in different sectors. Politicians and leaders use these statistics to change their behavior patterns to excel in their field. Such individuals hire sociologists to improve their personality.

Sociology has an influence on society from ancient times. Culture, art, music, and literature are the sub-fields which influence sociology. Different cultures promote different art forms. Also the judiciary system in different countries has different law. So sociology happens to be improving human nature for a long time.

Main Differences Between Psychology and Sociology

  • Psychology deals with the changes an individual exhibits in a certain situation. Sociology tends to research the changes a society exhibits in a certain situation.
  • A psychologist explains the reasons for the changes in an individual’s behavior whereas sociologists explain how society adapts to a certain condition.
  • Psychology examines an individual’s behavior towards his/her mates. Sociology explains the similarities and dissimilarities between different cultures.
  • Common statistics are collected to refer to an individual’s condition. Some research work is needed for explaining the diversity across the world.
  • All the institutions and corporations need a psychologist to improve the mental health of laborers. Sociologists find a career in the social service and human resource sectors.


    Psychology is the science that explains the behavior pattern of an individual. It studies the human mind and the emotion it exhibits when subject to certain situations. Psychologists treat patients who require better mental health and help to improve their personality. A psychologist also finds career opportunities in educational institutions as well as corporations to improve human behavior.

    Sociology is the science that deals with human relationships and interactions. It also includes studying the various cultures and diversities that are present in the world. When a sociologist is appointed by a certain person, he/she can change their lifestyle and attitude with their assistance. Sociologists research with the different situations that change human relationships across the world.


  • https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/19851818730
  • https://signallake.com/signallake.com/innovation/econ.psych.security.pdf
  • ncG1vNJzZmiZo6Cur8XDop2fnaKau6SxjZympmeUnrOnsdGepZydXZeytcPEnqVmqKOusKm7y6iesmWRo7Fuv86coKikn5zGcA%3D%3D