Difference Between Risk and Vulnerability

Key Difference – Risk vs Vulnerability

Vulnerability and risk are two terms that are related to security. Although both refer to exposure to danger, there is a difference between risk and vulnerability. A vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in something that leaves it open to attacks. A risk is a situation that involves danger. This is the key difference between risk and vulnerability. Both vulnerabilities and risks should be identified beforehand in order to avoid dangerous or hazardous situations.

What is Vulnerability?

A vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in something that leaves it open to attacks. It is defined as “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally” by the Oxford dictionary.  A vulnerability causes a threat to security. For example, if a window in your house cannot be closed properly, it can be a vulnerability since a burglar can use this flaw to enter your security; so, this vulnerability compromises the security of the whole house. The following sentences will help you to understand the meaning and usage of the word vulnerability more clearly.

The patient was placed in an isolated room due to his vulnerability to infections.

The thieves took advantage of the vulnerabilities of the security system.

The authorities have not yet realized the vulnerability of the native population to outside influences.

Some medications increase the vulnerability to infections.

Vulnerabilities should always be identified beforehand and proactive measures should be taken to correct these vulnerabilities and make sure that there is no threat to the security.

Key Difference - Risk vs Vulnerability

A broken window can be a vulnerability to your security.

What is a Risk?

Risk is also a word that refers to danger and the exposure to danger. It is defined by the Oxford dictionary as “a situation involving exposure to danger”.  It can refer to the probability of being targeted for an attack, an attack being successful and the exposure to a threat.  A risk can result from a certain action as well as inaction; it can be seen or unforeseen.   For example, driving at a high speed is a risk since it exposes you, other passengers, as well as those on the road to danger.

The following sentences will help you to understand the meaning and usage of the word risk.

Smoking is a risk to your health.

The young children need to be supervised constantly since there is a risk of kidnapping.

Seatbelts reduce the risk of injury in case of an accident.

You must eat a healthy diet to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Going out during the curfew was too much of a risk, so they stayed inside.

Difference Between Risk and Vulnerability

What is the difference between Risk and Vulnerability?

 Risk vs Vulnerability

Risk refers to danger and the exposure to danger.Vulnerability refers to a flaw or weakness in something that leaves it open to attacks.

Grammatical Category

Risk is both verb and noun. Vulnerability is a noun.

Image Courtesy:

“AT YOUR OWN RISK” By MOTOI Kenkichi – Own work – Made by Illustrator CS2 January 10,2013. (CC0) via Commons Wikimedia

 “731907”  (Public Domain) via Pixabay
