Difference Between Roosevelt and Wilson

Roosevelt vs Wilson

Roosevelt and Wilson are two towering personalities in the history of modern America both of whom became the President of the US and served for two terms each. While both were Progressive Presidents, they had different paths in their minds, and both espoused different approaches or methods to reach out to similar goals. These two great men, Roosevelt and Wilson, even competed for Presidency during the election of 1912. Both these leaders wanted to change the country and the people for the betterment but whereas Roosevelt was considered a common man’s President, Wilson was considered a better progressive President of the country. This article aims to take a closer look at the personalities and their principles to come out with their differences.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of US who became the youngest President at the age of 43 when he was elected after the assassination of McKinley. He was in office from 1901 to 1909. He is believed to be one of the best and sharpest Presidents of the country, a true symbol of the progressive era. Few believed he would be such an able President when he assumed the office, but he caught the imagination of t he people with his uncanny ability and charismatic personality. He has many achievements to his credit and he is known for his policies that were reformist in nature. He was given the nickname Teddy that he despised though the name stuck to the Teddy bear that is famous around the world. Roosevelt gave the term Square Deal to his domestic policies that he described as a fair deal for the masses.

Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson was the 28th President of the US who was re-elected to serve the country for eight years from 1913-1921. He was a Democrat and a devout Presbyterian who believed that no one, but the President of the country is expected to think about the interests of the people. He was instrumental in getting passed certain legislations and the Treaty of Versailles that shaped the post World War world. Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act passed by him resulted in bringing the much needed income for the treasury. He believed that US was destined to lead the world as a Christian nation and he was a devout Christian. Wilson is especially known for his economic reforms that led the country to a modern economy.

What is the difference between Roosevelt and Wilson?

• Roosevelt believed that big business houses brought efficiency and increased productivity though he was against the abuse of power by large businesses. Wilson, on the other hand, believed in fair competition and did not like monopoly by big businesses.

• Roosevelt was the 26th President while Wilson was the 28th President.

• Roosevelt is referred to as a Warrior whereas Wilson is labelled a Priest by the historians.

• Wilson is known for his economic reforms and selling of the Treaty of Versailles to the people.

• Roosevelt is considered one of the best US presidents.

• Roosevelt is known for his domestic agenda that he termed as Square Deal for the masses.

Further Reading:

  • Difference Between Taft and Roosevelt
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