Difference Between Sarcastic and Sardonic

Sarcastic is purposely saying something contrary to what you mean, typically utilizing a specific manner of speaking to clarify what you’re doing. 

Sardonic humor will be humor that is taunting or unfeeling. It doesn’t really include mockery, however, it frequently does. Sarcastic and sardonic are two words that are fundamentally the same as in importance, yet a distinction can be seen in their roots, nature, and utilization.

Sarcastic vs Sardonic

The main difference between sarcastic and sardonic is that being sarcastic frequently alludes to making sharp, harsh, cutting comments or insults to pass on scorn while being sardonic alludes to being critical, and comical despite affliction.

Comparison Table between Sarcastic and Sardonic

Parameters of ComparisonSarcastic Sardonic 
Meaning Sarcastic can be characterized as the utilization of incongruity to ridicule or pass on disdain. Sardonic is grimly mocking or cynical.
Irony Sarcastic comments regularly contain incongruity. sardonic doesn’t embroil the utilization of incongruity
Cynicism Sarcastic isn’t utilized to allude to something/someone negative.Sardonic is bound with a negative disposition.
Tone Sarcastic doesn’t embroil a terrible (tragic or tenacious) tone; it is all the more regularly connected with humor. Sardonic embroils a horrid, miserable, or anxious tone.
Aimed Is typically focused on the other partyCan be aimed at the speaker himself

What is Sarcastic?

It is a comment which is intensely bound with incongruity. In spite of the fact that incongruity and mockery are not something very similar, yet the sarcastic comments have incongruity included. That is, the significance of what is being said is inverse of what it is planned to mean. It alludes to the expectation of somebody tormenting or disparaging somebody by saying something terrible, and its primary element is reversal. For instance, The joke was clever to the point that individuals chose to keep a straight face. 

The word began from the Greek word “sarcasm” which signified “to jeer” or in a real sense “tearing of tissue.” None of the implications alluded to anything charming. They all alluded to obnoxiousness caused to another by somebody. It was recorded without precedent for 1579 in the English language in “The Shepheardes calendar .”


Sarcastic comments or mockery can be utilized straightforwardly or in a roundabout way to show hatred for somebody. For instance, “You were unable to add two in addition to two on the off chance that you had the entire class causing you.” It can be utilized by implication as well, for instance, “What a mathematician you have become!” 

What is Sardonic?

Sardonic comments allude to joke, pessimism, disparagement, and hatred. One of the primary highlights of this word is it is now and then thought about humor in the hours of misfortune. For instance, The food detainees get is acceptable to the point that they barely bite it. It includes extremely severe sentiments said with scorn. Something else about a sardonic comment is it may very well be focused on your own self. For instance, I am so acceptable at making quips that individuals cry when they hear them. It additionally communicates pomposity and a mentality that demonstrates prevalence. 

It has started from the Greek word “sardonic” signifying “severe or derisive grins or chuckling.” It is regularly viewed as humor notwithstanding misfortune. Not long before death, the face shook into a demeanor taking after a smile or giggling.  It first showed up in quite a while as a root structure in Homer. Odysseus, sardonically grinning, when he is assaulted by one of the admirers of his significant other.


It is utilized to communicate criticism, scorn, and incredulous humor by composing, remarking, or a specific motion. It is utilized to offend someone. Humor and incongruity are included yet principally it is humor during affliction.

Main Differences Between Sarcastic and Sardonic

  • Sarcastic articulations are prevalently passed on as words, regardless of whether they are joined by various different methods, including outward appearances, motions, and changes in the manner of speaking to underline their importance. On the other hand Sardonic articulations, then again, can be applied to an assortment of means. Aside from verbal sardonic looks, there can be “a sardonic face,” “sardonic giggling,” “sardonic grin,” and so on 
  • While sarcastic articulations are planning to hurt another person, sardonic articulations can be coordinated to the speaker himself. Think about the accompanying model: Someone realizes he cooks awfully. In the event that his companion says to him: “Seems like you generally have a great deal of food left, since no one can eat it.” This will comprise mockery. On the off chance that the cook says, “Seems like my food is excessively delicious for anyone to like it; it is constantly left finished.” This would comprise a sardonic articulation. 
  • Sarcastic articulations are immediate and obtuse; they don’t need a lot of analysis or mind however are concentrated articulations of affront. Sardonic articulations, then again, are regularly made after some investigation has been made, which brought about a harsh yield. In that capacity, they are regularly of critical nature. Numerous self-destruction notes incorporate a type of a sardonic articulation.
  • Sardonic humor is deriding, yet not really sarcastic; mockery is expressing a counterfactual, though sardonic is a snapshot of terrible beautiful humor and could conceivably contain counterfactuals. 
  • Sardonic is truth be told particularly from sarcastic however just barely, and numerous individuals utilize the two as though they are compatible, which, carefully, they are most certainly not. Sardonic is more outrageous and negative, and one can be sarcastic without being sardonic, and the other way around.
  • Conclusion

    Sarcastic comments and sardonic comments have comparative however various implications.  The principle highlight of mockery is that it is bound with incongruity. Sardonic comments are humor notwithstanding difficulty. 

    One can apologize for a sarcastic comment to appease somebody, however sardonic comments are frequently to oneself and, accordingly, can’t be apologized for. Sardonic is indeed particular from sarcastic yet just barely, and numerous individuals utilize the two as though they are exchangeable, which, carefully, they are most certainly not. 

    Sardonic is more extraordinary and negative, and one can be sarcastic without being sardonic, and the other way around.


  • https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/089124190019001005
  • https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Goe7ncVVHBIC&oi=fnd&pg=PR17&dq=sarcastic+and+sardonic&ots=72fY65_GEc&sig=uiki6lRsNkB4qFICsWbWs6K5xJE
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