Difference Between Snickers and Dairy Milk

Chocolates are something that is loved by every person around the corner. They are used as a token of love for almost every occasion or event. The chocolates are manufactured by vivid processes, and the main ingredient to produce them is cocoa beans. The chocolates are mainly categorized into three broader classifications based on the concentration of cocoa present in them. The three categories are – White chocolate (with no cocoa beans but only milk), Dark chocolate (with more than 50% of cocoa beans concentration), and Milk chocolate (with both milk and cocoa beans).

Snickers vs Dairy Milk

The main difference between Snickers and Dairy Milk is that Snickers is a type of protein bar chocolate that has been distributed among the market. It was introduced in the year 1930. While comparatively, on the other hand, chocolate Dairy Milk is a type of milk chocolate that was introduced in the global markets much before 1905.

Snickers is a protein chocolate bar that is mainly covered in nougat, peanuts, and embedded in milk chocolate. The chocolate bar is manufactured by the company Mars, which incorporated and introduced the chocolate in the market around 1930. Snickers is mainly a native American brand that now has a market worldwide.

Dairy Milk is a chocolate bar that is mainly categorized as Milk chocolate. The company manufacturing the chocolate Dairy Milk is Cadbury, and they introduced their chocolate in the year 1905 that is around 117 years ago. The chocolate brand is native to the British United Kingdom, and the logo of the company shows two glasses of milk pouring out.

Comparison Table Between Snickers and Dairy Milk    

Parameters of ComparisonSnickersDairy Milk
Manufactured ByMars, IncorporatedCadbury
Native BrandAmericanBritish
Introduced In19301905
IngredientsCocoa butter, chocolate, sugar, lactose, skim milk, artificial and natural flavors, peanuts, corn syrup, soy lecithin, spice, milk fat, egg whites, and chili extractsFull cream milk, cocoa butter, emulsifiers, flavors, milk solids, cocoa mass, sugar, and vegetable fat
Minimum Bar Size 22 grams13.2 grams
Calories per Bar110 kcal70 kcal

What is Snickers?

Snickers is among one the chocolate brand that is available in the global market. The chocolate bar is eventually a protein bar that exclusively comprises nougat, peanuts, caramel, ad all of it embedded in the chocolate. The manufacturing company behind this brand is Mars, Incorporated. The company created this chocolate about 92 years ago is. It was released in the global market around 1930.

The chocolate brand is native to America, and initially, the company sold the same brand of chocolate with another name called ‘Marathon’ in the United Kingdom. The complete act was continued up to the year 1990. Also, the company has reported the approximate sales of the chocolate bar around $2 million.

The main ingredients infused or incorporated by the company to produce the chocolate are – Cocoa butter, chocolate, sugar, lactose, skim milk, artificial and natural flavors, peanuts, corn syrup, soy lecithin, spice, milk fat, egg whites, and chili extracts. The minimum size bar of Snickers weighs about 22 grams, and it has around 110 calories in it.

What is Dairy Milk?

Dairy Milk is among the most widely consumed chocolate worldwide. The popularity of chocolate has always been seen to be tremendous in the global market. The company behind this product is none other than Cadbury introduced this chocolate bar in 1905 that is nearly around 117 years back. The initial product was released in the United Kingdom, which meant that the brand was native to the British United Kingdom.

The main ingredients that are used by the company to manufacture the chocolate bar are – Full cream milk, cocoa butter, emulsifiers, flavors, milk solids, cocoa mass, sugar, and vegetable fat. The company has other products too that have been introduced in the market, and some of them are – Dairy Milk Silk, Dairy Milk Crackers, Dairy Milk Fruit ‘n’ Nut, Dairy Milk Chocobakes, and much more.

The company has manufactured their product exclusively with just milk chocolate, and they have different size bars depending on their prices. But the minimum size of the bar weighs approximately 13.2 grams. And the calories intake of the bar is around 70 kcal.  

Main Differences Between Snickers and Dairy Milk

  • The chocolate Snickers was manufactured by the company Mars, Incorporated, while comparatively, on the other hand, the chocolate Dairy Milk was manufactured by the company Cadbury.
  • The Snicker chocolate is mainly a native brand of America while comparatively, on the other hand, the Dairy Milk chocolate is mainly a native brand of British, United Kingdom.
  • The chocolate Snicker was introduced in the market around 1930 while comparatively, on the other hand, the chocolate Dairy Milk was introduced in the year 1905 that is around 117 years ago.
  • The main ingredients that are used to prepare Snicker chocolates are – cocoa butter, chocolate, sugar, lactose, skim milk, artificial and natural flavors, peanuts, corn syrup, soy lecithin, spice, milk fat, egg whites, and chili extracts, while comparatively, on the other hand, the major ingredients that are used to prepare the Dairy Milk chocolate are – full cream milk, cocoa butter, emulsifiers, flavors, milk solids, cocoa mass, sugar, and vegetable fat.
  • The minimum size of the chocolate bar of Snickers is approximately 22 grams, while comparatively, on the other hand, the minimum size of the chocolate bar of Dairy Milk is approximately about 13.2 grams.
  • The minimum calories per gram consumed by one Snicker chocolate bar are around 110 kcal while comparatively, on the other hand, the minimum calories per gram consumed by one Dairy Milk chocolate are around 70 kcal.
  • Conclusion

    To summarize the given topic, this can be concluded that confectionary items are the most loved products among children and as well as adults. The items included in the confectionary items are – chocolates, potato chips, biscuits, wafers, and much more. But chocolates have been quite more available and affordable for everyone. That is why they are much used as a token of love and are presented to everyone on almost every occasion.

    Snickers and Dairy Milk are among one the brands of chocolate that are available in the global market. Both of them are much older and were introduced in the global market around the 1900s. To be more accurate, Snickers were introduced in 1930, while Dairy Milk was introduced in 1905.


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