Difference between Soybean Oil and Canola Oil

Key difference: Soybean Oil and Canola Oil can be a part of long lasting argument, when taken into consideration the health and cooking aspects of the respective oils. Also, these oils are extracted from their soybean and rapeseeds respectively. 

If compared, Soybean and Canola oil can be a part of long lasting debate; as these are among the several vegetable oils that resemble each-other in several aspects, but are extremely different in some properties. The major distinctive characteristic among the two oils is their origin. Although, both are refined and processed, soybean oil is obtained from the common soybean seeds; whereas the canola oil is obtained by processes like hybridization and genetic modification of the rapeseeds.  

According to the Registered Dietician Gloria Tsang, both soybean and canola oil resembles in some of their compositions; i.e. both contain essential omega-3 fats and low saturated fat composition. They both are mild flavored and refined light weighted oil, which makes them most preferred types of oils in cooking and baking methods. Both the unsaturated vegetable fats (oils) are liquid in state at room temperature and have been proven to be much healthier than the saturated fats.

Soybean oil is considered to be one amongst the healthy oils; it is obtained from the soybean seeds, which are commonly grown in many agricultural areas. As of the oil; it is clean, natural in taste and has a extra impressive quality of adapting to the taste of any respective food in which it is used. The oil is rich in oxidation-prone linolenic acid; poly- and monounsaturated fats; low in saturated fats and trans fat-free; along with these compositions the oil is a rich source of proteins. Soybean oil is frequently used in mayonnaise, salad dressings, frozen foods, imitation dairy and meat products and commercially baked goods like margarine. The oil is also used in shortening purposes in the old-fashioned pie crust or blended with a flavored vinegar for a new dressing, as the oil’s natural flavor gets adapted to the one in which it is used. Soybean oil is processed to form drying oil, which is further used in the applications of printing inks (soy ink) and oil paints.

Canola oil's has a neutral taste and light texture , which makes it a great match for just about everything. The canola oil is obtained after a long process of precipitation and organic acid treatments. The oil is generally applicable for high heating; especially in cooking it is used in baking to stir-frying to deep-frying or grilling. Canola oil is used in many situations and methods as a substitute to saturated fats. The canola oil like other oils is also applicable in the industrial lubricants, bio-fuels, candles, lipsticks, and newspaper inks depending on the price on the spot market. Also, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommended that the canola oil is regarded to be the fertility-preserving vaginal lubricant. Recently, the studies have also been conducted to utilize the canola oil for reducing the growth of cancer cells.

At times, these vegetable oils have also become a part of controversies; especially the canola oil, as it involves the process of genetic modification at the time of its oil extractions. But, The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized a qualified health claim for the oil’s ability to reduce the risk of heart disease when used in place of saturated fat. Today the oil is used in salad dressing, sautéing. Even soybean oil was estimated to be allergic at some extend to some sensitive people, but now the oil is not taken so and is suitable to almost many individuals, hence the oil is also used in food.

Both oils are one type of vegetable oils, and are rich in unsaturated fats. Like other vegetable edible oils, these are tasteless in nature and hence have an imperceptible odor support that enhances the natural flavors of prepared foods. These are generally used as substitutes to the saturated fats; and hence are applicable in many food industries in replacement to other fats. Sometimes, these oils are also recommended for special health relative issues by respective doctors. Also, both the oils are heart-healthy along with the addition to a well-balanced diet.

Comparison between Soybean Oil and Canola Oil:

Soybean Oil

Canola Oil

Oil extracted from

soybean seeds


Scientific names

Glycine max

Brassicaceae family

Type of vegetable oils

refined vegetable oil

refined vegetable oil

Smoke point

high smoke point

low smoke point

Special applications

drying oil, processed soybean oil is also used as a base for printing inks (soy ink) and oil paints

recommended that the canola oil is regarded to be the fertility-preserving vaginal lubricant

In cooking used in

baking, frying, stir-frying

saute, shallow fry, deep fry

Health benefits

  • Nutritional Supplement in Intravenous Feedings
  • Established role in the treatment of patients suffering from Alzheimer's Disease
  • Reduce Plasma Cholesterol Levels
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Insulin Sensitivity
  • Lipid Per-Oxidation
  • Inflammation
  • Energy Metabolism
